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The King of Cups

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King of Cups


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The patriarch of the Cups suit sits on his throne, which is adrift at sea. He is the king of the element of water. The extreme representation of him sailing the seas alone on his throne is as bold of a statement as if he could walk on water. Where is his kingdom? It must be under the sea.

His power is as solid as the foundation of his kingdom, which symbolically supports him. He must be as light as a feather if he doesn't want to sink. What good is a kingdom if it sits on the ocean floor?

Behind him on either side is a whale or large fish jumping out of the water and a ship sailing. He dons the dorkiest crown in the deck, looking like a real dork. Perhaps that is why he seems so isolated and detached from his world.

Upright keywords: fair, responsible, equity, science, judge, experience, art, creativity, intelligence

Reversed keywords: dishonest, double-dealing, rogue, injustice, vice, scandal, considerable loss, looting

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