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The Secret
Tarot Reading

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The Secret Spread

The Secret of the High Priestess

Similar in form to the Egyptian Cross, the final spread on the site is just what you are looking for, the Secret. Everybody who plays with tarot cards attempting to summon demons is looking for secrets. Of course they only desire this evil occult knowledge in order to 1-up their brothers. They do not love their brothers as themselves, or they would share the knowledge instead of use it to try to make people feel stupid. Oh the ignorance of their folly!

Like the Egyptian Cross spread, the Secret begins with 2 significators. In this case they are read as if they were crossed like in the Celtic Cross. Then above there are 3 chronological cards representing the past, present, and future. They are mystically labeled like the changing moon cycles, as the Secret comes from a dark place.

Cards #6 and 7 are labeled Dark and Light, Dark meaning the dark or emotional side of the issue, and Light conversely meaning the rational side of things. There is not really a final outcome, but there are 2 future cards to show the reader's dark fate, the "Waxing" card #4 already mentioned and the "Next Step" at the base of the spread. This is basically the outcome.

The final card, #9 is only considered part of the reading if it happens to be a Major Arcana card. Any Minor Arcana cards in this position only say that you didn't get a "Secret" this time. Maybe next time the devil's high priestess will be more generous.

The Secret Reading

Waxing Influence

King of Wands
Present Influence

The Star
Waning Influence

10 of Pentagrams
  Significator #1

Ace of Wands
Significator #2

King of Swords
In the Dark

The Devil
The Secret (only comes into play if the card is of the Major Arcana)

2 of Wands
In the Light

  The Next Step

Queen of Cups
In this spread there are 2 Significators. They may compliment or oppose each other.
Significator #1
Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is the first card of the deck if it was arranged in chronological order. A creepy hand that must be an ancestor of The Thing emerges from a dark cloud. It seems to be offering an olive branch. The first thing that the tarot devil does is seduce you with the illusion of peace. Like the garden of Eden, those who use tarot cards are eating forbidden fruit.

The devil hands off the first wand as if it was a batton of blasphemy. Would you really want to carry out his evil? Every time you do a tarot reading you are gluttonously devouring the very fruit that the LORD specifically insisted that you NOT eat. Why don't people learn from ancient Bible history? Some people just never learn. You would be wise to just say No when the devil tempts you.

What this card is all about is the devil tempting you. Whatever position this card falls into in the reading is where the devil is at work. And this is only the beginning!

Upright keywords: creation, invention, enterprise, essence, beginning, source, birth, personal power, origin, spark

Significator #2
King of Swords

This is a man who thinks he knows it all. Just because of his above average intelligence, the devil tells him that he is the smartest man alive. Consequentially he continually outsmarts himself. He insults his subjects that he hopes to teach and generally does unintentional harm in the name of good due to the sharp blade he carelessly wields.

The proverbial know-it-all has the sign of the butterfly on his throne. Also birds in the distant sky make the card symbolic of his mind being like an open sky, his thought flighty. It is fertile ground for unclean thoughts when a man's mind is too open.

An open mind invites evil deeds. Butterflies are like the way he quickly dodges any kind of accusation. They also show that he is very nervous in his demeanor, a guy who is constantly thinking. Unfortunately like his queen, his thoughts are ultimately destructive.

Upright keywords: power, command, authority, law, rank, presence, military intelligence, respect

Waning Influence
10 of Pentagrams

The pentagrams are arranged in the form of ancient Egypt's emblem of eternal evil, the Ankh. In this scene we see a family out in front of their house. Again we have grapes and drunkenness, as is familiar with this suit. The devil of wine is known as Dionysos.

Grandpa sits out front getting drunk as usual. The scene is a happy picture of home and hearth. The little girl plays with the family dogs. The family seems to have it all; wealth, happiness, and influence. The problem is that they are a wicked family who may be close with each other, but without friends.

The 10 pentagrams represent the height of power in this suit before moving into the royal court cards. This card shows that strong families are connected with the devil. Even Christ said that he came to break up families because whoever loves their family more than God is not worthy of Him.

Reversed keywords: gambling, fatality, loss, robbery, games of chance; sometimes- gift, dowry, pension, inheritance

Current Influence
The Star

A nude woman has one foot on the ground and the other on the sea, like in Temperance. In fact she may be pouring out the elixers concocted in that card. She pours these two jugs out onto the land and the sea.

She is the Star empowered by Lucifer as indicated by the morning star above her. She is the servant of the figure in Temperance who reaps the fruit of the labor of Temperance. She steals the mixtures, pouring them out she symbolically intoxicates both the land and the fish.

She is only the Star because she is the one that got caught doing it. Noboby will probably ever find out who mixed the drinks because the Star isn't talking. She refuses to share the spotlight that she worked so hard to steal.

Upright keywords: diva, prima-donna, superstar, leading lady, headline, main event

Waxing Influence
King of Wands

Here we have the lizard king sitting on his throne. He is the supreme commander of the entire suit of Wands, the dominant male of the dominant suit of the Minor Arcana. He wears a red robe, as the ruler of the suit of fire. He bears the secret occult symbol of the lizard eating its own tail.

The king sits there as if he owns the world. He appears to be more of a passionate fan of his own work than anything else. He watches the action that he has set in motion play out for his own amusement. Any people under him are his pawns.

Whatever his whims, it is certain that the people will be the ones who bear the brunt of his decisions. Where this card appears in a reading, there is a man of high influence that can not be overlooked.

Reversed keywords: tough but fair, hard, brutal, austere, rugged, severe, stern

In the Light (Conscious)

The judge holds the scales of Justice in his left hand while brandishing a sword in the right. A judge must not only know how to interpret justice, but also how to execute judgement.

When using an accursed thing like a deck of tarot cards, you must be aware that Justice is probably not a good sign. Justice will be harsh for you if you are attempting to know God.

With all the kinds of things going on in the tarot deck as well as with the world today, Justice will be a busy man.

Upright keywords: fairness, honor, righteous, objective, trustworthy, unbiased, just, reasonable

In the Dark (Unconscious)
The Devil

Adam and Eve after their fall from ignorance are pictured on the Devil card. Under his watch they are chained up like dogs. This is the fate that the Devil wants for all of us, but lucky for us Jesus Christ is our saviour. They have taken on the traits of the Devil under his influence. They are subject to their lower nature which the Devil delights in, having kidnapped God's children.

Arthur Edward Waite, the occultist who masterminded the most infamous version of the tarot deck in history, was known to be a black magician who encouraged grave robbing and other such unthinkable crimes. He wrote all about how to do it in The Book of Black Magic.

The Devil has come to enslave you. He wants to make you a deal you can't refuse so that you wind up selling him your birthright. The Devil feasts on the souls of ignorant fools who play with tarot cards thinking they are going to one-up their fellow men. These methods only work in the short term and are certain to come crashing down on you in the end, much like the next card.

Upright keywords: obedience, slavery, servitude, oppression, carnal desires, petty concerns

The Next Step
Queen of Cups

Decked with treasure, the queen sits upon her throne at the very edge of the sea. She balances an immaculate cup in her grip, focused intently on her prize possession. Topped of with a steeple, the gaudy goblet is flanked by 2 demons in mockery of the angels.

She skries into the sinister concoction as if it contains God's wisdom. The cups are the suit of emotions, and emotions sometimes act as a kind of gut feeling or conscience which are good tidings of wisdom. Unfortunately emotions also have a negative side that can be just as potent.

As with several other Cups cards, the danger present here is that of self-deception. Emotions can provide a false sense of security. A kingdom built on emotional misconceptions is no better than a castle made of sand.

Upright keywords: distinguished woman, untrustworthy, perverse, vice, dishonor, depravity

The Secret
(Only consider this card relevant to your reading if it is a Major Arcana. Cards from the Minor Arcana are ignored.)
2 of Wands

This guy is holding a staff in his left hand and a crystal ball in his right. The blasphemous act of the offer from the devil has progressed quickly. Now we have access to the devil's tools directly. We can see though what's really going on. The guy thinks he holds the world in the palm of his hand.

It is true however that Satan does have the power to give you power over the whole world. This card indicates a very dangerous situation where somebody has fooled himself into thinking that he is getting a good deal.

The deal is, the whole time you are in command of this power you will be fueled by the power of the devil. But like steroids, the power is only temporary. In a short while there will be a price to be paid, and what a price the ultimate price is!

Upright keywords: riches, fortune, magnificence, surprise, wonder, enchantment, emotion

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