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The Secret
Tarot Reading

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The Secret Spread

The Secret of the High Priestess

Similar in form to the Egyptian Cross, the final spread on the site is just what you are looking for, the Secret. Everybody who plays with tarot cards attempting to summon demons is looking for secrets. Of course they only desire this evil occult knowledge in order to 1-up their brothers. They do not love their brothers as themselves, or they would share the knowledge instead of use it to try to make people feel stupid. Oh the ignorance of their folly!

Like the Egyptian Cross spread, the Secret begins with 2 significators. In this case they are read as if they were crossed like in the Celtic Cross. Then above there are 3 chronological cards representing the past, present, and future. They are mystically labeled like the changing moon cycles, as the Secret comes from a dark place.

Cards #6 and 7 are labeled Dark and Light, Dark meaning the dark or emotional side of the issue, and Light conversely meaning the rational side of things. There is not really a final outcome, but there are 2 future cards to show the reader's dark fate, the "Waxing" card #4 already mentioned and the "Next Step" at the base of the spread. This is basically the outcome.

The final card, #9 is only considered part of the reading if it happens to be a Major Arcana card. Any Minor Arcana cards in this position only say that you didn't get a "Secret" this time. Maybe next time the devil's high priestess will be more generous.

The Secret Reading

Waxing Influence

Ace of Cups
Present Influence

Queen of Cups
Waning Influence

Ace of Wands
  Significator #1

9 of Swords
Significator #2

10 of Pentagrams
In the Dark

King of Pentagrams
The Secret (only comes into play if the card is of the Major Arcana)

10 of Wands
In the Light

9 of Wands
  The Next Step

The Hanged Man
In this spread there are 2 Significators. They may compliment or oppose each other.
Significator #1
9 of Swords

A man feels tremendous shame due to an evil succubus robbing him of the oil of gladness. The terrible trauma of having been seduced by a demon causes a profound loss of dignity. To rub it in, the nocturnal emission is so evil that it totally ruins the sheets.

The swords that are mounted above the bed are a sign of extreme cruelty. The man's soul writhes in excruciating pain and agony, humiliated by the sick pleasure that he realizes that the sin has given him. As he facepalms in disgrace, the movie of the climax of his dream replays over and over.

The evil man may have secretly enjoyed and even prayed for the succubus visit. His greatest shame is that he has been caught in this cycle of sin for ever. He pretends to repent but can't break out of the loop.

Upright keywords: suspicion, doubt, fear, guilt, shame, deception, delay, disappointment, despair

Significator #2
10 of Pentagrams

The pentagrams are arranged in the form of ancient Egypt's emblem of eternal evil, the Ankh. In this scene we see a family out in front of their house. Again we have grapes and drunkenness, as is familiar with this suit. The devil of wine is known as Dionysos.

Grandpa sits out front getting drunk as usual. The scene is a happy picture of home and hearth. The little girl plays with the family dogs. The family seems to have it all; wealth, happiness, and influence. The problem is that they are a wicked family who may be close with each other, but without friends.

The 10 pentagrams represent the height of power in this suit before moving into the royal court cards. This card shows that strong families are connected with the devil. Even Christ said that he came to break up families because whoever loves their family more than God is not worthy of Him.

Upright keywords: gain, riches, family, archives, home, abode, crest, affluent, upscale, first class

Waning Influence
Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is the first card of the deck if it was arranged in chronological order. A creepy hand that must be an ancestor of The Thing emerges from a dark cloud. It seems to be offering an olive branch. The first thing that the tarot devil does is seduce you with the illusion of peace. Like the garden of Eden, those who use tarot cards are eating forbidden fruit.

The devil hands off the first wand as if it was a batton of blasphemy. Would you really want to carry out his evil? Every time you do a tarot reading you are gluttonously devouring the very fruit that the LORD specifically insisted that you NOT eat. Why don't people learn from ancient Bible history? Some people just never learn. You would be wise to just say No when the devil tempts you.

What this card is all about is the devil tempting you. Whatever position this card falls into in the reading is where the devil is at work. And this is only the beginning!

Upright keywords: creation, invention, enterprise, essence, beginning, source, birth, personal power, origin, spark

Current Influence
Queen of Cups

Decked with treasure, the queen sits upon her throne at the very edge of the sea. She balances an immaculate cup in her grip, focused intently on her prize possession. Topped of with a steeple, the gaudy goblet is flanked by 2 demons in mockery of the angels.

She skries into the sinister concoction as if it contains God's wisdom. The cups are the suit of emotions, and emotions sometimes act as a kind of gut feeling or conscience which are good tidings of wisdom. Unfortunately emotions also have a negative side that can be just as potent.

As with several other Cups cards, the danger present here is that of self-deception. Emotions can provide a false sense of security. A kingdom built on emotional misconceptions is no better than a castle made of sand.

Reversed keywords: evil eye, wicked witch, malevolent, twisted, plotting, vengeance, a woman scorned

Waxing Influence
Ace of Cups

In this card a creepy hand emerges from a cloud palming the base of a goblet. The cup in hand is purported to be none other than the Holy Grail! In a deck of cards that was founded on blasphemous imagery, nothing is sacred. Though nothing would seem to indicate any apparent evil signs in this card, it is just way too out of place in the deck of debauchery.

All of the symbolism of this card is holy imagery. The dove descending is seen as a sign from heaven. Perhaps the twisted mind who thought up the tarot deck conceived that since tarot readers share an universal love of evil, that evil would be good in their eyes. Therefore the sign of the Holy Grail pictured on the Ace of Cups must be construed as being a representation of the ultimate evil.

It is a confusing card, because if you understand the truth that the cup of Christ is the ultimate spiritual treasure, then you would not be using tarot cards or doing readings. As a practitioner of the most sinister evil, you must view this card as the worst reminder of what you have sacrificed.

Upright keywords: joy, content, satisfaction, nourishment, abundance, fertility, felicity, fullness

In the Light (Conscious)
9 of Wands

The guy in this card has managed to once again secure the loyalty of his comrads. They are protecting him because he has been injured and he's an important member of the group. They erect a shield of staves to protect their own to give him time to heal.

He gets the respect of a soldier wounded in battle, but he secretly revels in the power they once again present him with. He knows better than to try to command the group through force, so he chooses to manipulate their sympathies. He discovers a much easier form of power to achieve, which happens to be a lot more potent too.

He doesn't even have to lift a finger to control the group, who finally has a cause to support, a reason to come together. It fills the emotional needs of those who seek control and those who seek to be controlled at the same time. The man has learned a new trick from the devil.

Upright keywords: adjournment, pause, courage, strength, endurance, fortitude, guts

In the Dark (Unconscious)
King of Pentagrams

The suit of Pentagrams is not concerned specifically with money or material possessions, but it does often represent these things. It is the most wicked suit in the deck, bearing the sigil of Baphomet, the goat-headed devil that speaks for Satan. Occultists used to call upon Baphomet due to the fact that they were terrified of the devil. The cute goat was a lot easier to talk to.

Like Richard Ramirez, the king represents the Pentagram in his left hand, the hand of the devil. Those who follow the devil have certain code words for what they do so they can conspire openly. One of the code phrases for being a satanist is 'the left-hand path.' It looks like that's what we have here.

The king of this suit is a real slouch. He is happy with the way things are as long as he does not have to work. This is a card synonymous with the sin of sloth. Sadly the king's greatest ambition was to watch everybody else do all the work for him while he 'balances the budget.' He is a strong personality who acts like he carries his own weight, but he rides on the back of others.

Upright keywords: vice, weakness, ugly, perverse, corruption, peril, sloth, laziness, mismanagement

The Next Step
The Hanged Man

The poor guy that was lynched on this oddly shaped vine has discovered enlightenment. They tied both hands behind his back and even went so far as to tie one leg behind the other.

Sometimes it is good to contemplate your existence and purpose, to become more aware and in touch with God. But this kind of satanic mimicking of the crucifixion is outrageous. The blatant satanic symbolism of the man hanging upside down on the cross may be the most blasphemous card of the whole deck, in a deck full of abominations.

Reversed keywords: mockery, derision, ridicule, copy cat, impersonation, mimicry

The Secret
(Only consider this card relevant to your reading if it is a Major Arcana. Cards from the Minor Arcana are ignored.)
10 of Wands

A guy comes in to steal all the staves while their owners were at lunch! This card is a reminder not to leave your stuff unattended. Now he will probably go and start his own mob of 10 men. That's what happens when people are so careless. They don't appreciate what they have until it's gone.

The thief in this card symbolizes the obvious, thievery and criminal behavior. It's a quick task that may take him only a minute to achieve, and the rewards are tremendous so it's clear why a criminal chooses a life of crime: laziness. They don't want to do all the hard work that it takes real people to build up their assets.

Upon closer inspection however, we notice that the life of a thief isn't always so easy. They have to worry about the consequences of their actions. What would happen if the mob of 9 had just came back from lunch? He has a lot to worry about. Also we can see that it is actually a very difficult task to run away while trying to carry 10 staves. He is having trouble keeping so many of them together.

Upright keywords: theft, crime, steal, take, collection, tension, focus, attention, burglar

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