The Secret Spread
Similar in form to the Egyptian Cross, the final spread on the site is just what you are looking for, the Secret. Everybody who plays with tarot cards attempting to summon demons is looking for secrets. Of course they only desire this evil occult knowledge in order to 1-up their brothers. They do not love their brothers as themselves, or they would share the knowledge instead of use it to try to make people feel stupid. Oh the ignorance of their folly!
Like the Egyptian Cross spread, the Secret begins with 2 significators. In this case they are read as if they were crossed like in the Celtic Cross. Then above there are 3 chronological cards representing the past, present, and future. They are mystically labeled like the changing moon cycles, as the Secret comes from a dark place.
Cards #6 and 7 are labeled Dark and Light, Dark meaning the dark or emotional side of the issue, and Light conversely meaning the rational side of things. There is not really a final outcome, but there are 2 future cards to show the reader's dark fate, the "Waxing" card #4 already mentioned and the "Next Step" at the base of the spread. This is basically the outcome.
The final card, #9 is only considered part of the reading if it happens to be a Major Arcana card.
Any Minor Arcana cards in this position only say that you didn't get a "Secret" this time. Maybe next time the devil's high priestess will be more generous.
The Secret Reading
Waxing Influence
Knight of Pentagrams
Present Influence
The Star
Waning Influence
Significator #1
9 of Cups
Significator #2
7 of Pentagrams
In the Dark
The Wheel of Fortune
The Secret (only comes into play if the card is of the Major Arcana)
3 of Pentagrams
In the Light
5 of Swords
The Next Step
2 of Swords
In this spread there are 2 Significators. They may compliment or oppose each other. |
Significator #1 |
9 of Cups
A glutton reels in pleasure after consuming mass quantities of spiritous beverages. He squats in a wide stance, feeling enormous after having committed the thoughtless sin. His ego swells as much as his stomach, yet his pride is false. He folds his arms on top of his fat stomach to conceal his growing embarassment.
He keeps telling himself that it's alright because it feels good so he keeps doing it. Before he knows it his physique will resemble the blob. Like the blob, his stomach will eventually eat him. Then it will undoubtedly continue to ingest everything it comes in contact with. Unchecked gluttony may not be the worst of the 7 sins, but it certainly is the ugliest.
The card, wherever it appears in the spread indicates a greedy person who takes more than their fair share whenever possible. He is like an obnoxious fat leach who ruins the party by eating all the catering. In his lame mind it is his birthright to act like an obnoxious fat stomach because that's just what he is.
Upright keywords: favor, contentment, satiety, luxury, abundance, gluttony, too much, fatness
Significator #2 |
7 of Pentagrams
This is the card of intoxication and the depravity it spreads. Alcohol is a tool of the devil. Alcohol contains demons that eventually take full possession of the soul when enough is injested. Throughout all history and even before recorded history, alcohol has always been the most popular method of inducing demonic possession.
The husbandman is a perveyor of perversion. Like the vine pictured on the card, it spreads outward like a plague growing in all directions. Pentagrams, the universal symbol of Satan, decorate the vine like a Christmas tree.
The grape vine is one of the best signs to represent evil because they share the same capacity for growth and corruption. The husbandman must carefully restrict the vine's growth just to maintain order. The husbandman may represent an alcoholic or a bartender, someone who manages alcohol.
Upright keywords: money, business, barter, innocence, ingenuity, purgation, enginuity
Waning Influence |
Famine has taken over the land bringing plagues and destruction. The king has fallen dead and his subjects have come to expect the same fate. The Pope or Hierophant stands up to Death when ordinary mortals bow.
The sun is setting between the gates, symbolic of the death of another day. Death rides into town on a pale horse, but this grim reaper is waving a flag instead of a sythe. On his flag we see satanic symbols of forbidden fruit sitting inside a five-pointed flower reminiscent of the pentagram.
The Death card is the most feared card in the deck, and for obvious reasons. Who wants to find out when somebody they know is going to die? Psychic readers will tell you every time that the Death card is not bad, but this is the biggest lie they can possibly tell. How much more lying do you think they do in an average reading?
Upright keywords: fear, paranoia, terror, worry, anxiety, cowardice, alarm, fright, grief, sorrow
Current Influence |
The Star
A nude woman has one foot on the ground and the other on the sea, like in Temperance. In fact she may be pouring out the elixers concocted in that card. She pours these two jugs out onto the land and the sea.
She is the Star empowered by Lucifer as indicated by the morning star above her. She is the servant of the figure in Temperance who reaps the fruit of the labor of Temperance. She steals the mixtures, pouring them out she symbolically intoxicates both the land and the fish.
She is only the Star because she is the one that got caught doing it. Noboby will probably ever find out who mixed the drinks because the Star isn't talking. She refuses to share the spotlight that she worked so hard to steal.
Upright keywords: diva, prima-donna, superstar, leading lady, headline, main event
Waxing Influence |
Knight of Pentagrams
A heavy set knight rides a slow dark horse. He embodies the characteristics of stubbornness and evil pride. Pride is considered the most deadly of the sins. He takes his time trotting on his way because he savors his status and the attention it commands.
The black horse and knight can also stand for an incubus. An incubus is a male demon that rapes women in their dreams after seducing them in the guise of their prince charming. They fool them into believing they are in love and married. Then after the woman wakes up she realizes that she made love to a demon, forever humbling her.
The card may mean that the evil twin of prince charming will pay you a surprise visit. Whatever position the card appears, it shows the character of a romantic seducer. He wants to sweep a woman off her feet so she's easier to take advantage of.
Upright keywords: messenger of all sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride
In the Light (Conscious) |
5 of Swords
One dominant man laughs as his opponents don't dare challenge him. They are a couple of pathetic losers who know they were outmatched. They even abandon their arms in complete submission and hopelessness.
This card obviously indicates a dominant victory for the man in the foreground. He stands there laughing as he holds 3 swords. He is so proud of himself.
He laughs at others' misfortunes. The person who this card might symbolize in a reading would be most likely a bully who nobody likes.
Upright keywords: dominance, pride, satisfaction, exhilaration, victory, win, trophy, prize
In the Dark (Unconscious) |
The Wheel of Fortune
This card is full of evil Egyptian pagan symbolism to blaspheme the guardians of the garden. The 4 symbolic creatures clearly reflect the visions of cherubs by Old Testament prophets. The Wheel in the sky contains Hebrew characters written around a blasphemous occult sigil that looks to be out of the Necronomicon.
The Sphinx sits on top of the Wheel as the blasphemous serpent sidewinds down the left side. Riding up the other side of the buttocks of the devil Set is the Wheel of Fortune.
This Wheel is supposed to represent fate and karma. It seems that the forces of evil have taken the Wheel while the cherubs were busy studying the Bible.
Reversed keywords: bad luck, misfortune, accidents, setbacks, bad omen, spillage, waste
The Next Step |
2 of Swords
A blindfolded woman holds 2 heavy swords forming the shape of a V. She is seated in a chair on the edge of the sea, like several cards of the Cups suit. Considering the suit this card is part of, this is probably not such a bad sign in light of the rest of the deck. She bears the burden of thought, as if she must solve a difficult math equation entirely in her head.
The wickedness of being left to the whims of one's own thoughts may be just getting started here. The picture seems to signify burdensome thoughts building inside the mind of the young woman. The more she thinks, the more trouble she creates for herself.
The only hope for this card is that she is paused, so she may stop her insane quest here before she goes too far. Where this card shows up in a reading probably says that there is a need to pause and reflect, and maybe stop whatever it is you were thinking about doing.
Upright keywords: peace, calm, quiet, content, conformity, concord, harmony, passive resistance
The Secret
(Only consider this card relevant to your reading if it is a Major Arcana. Cards from the Minor Arcana are ignored.) |
3 of Pentagrams
The crafter from the 8 of Pentagrams is at work in the temple. He decorates the satanic ritual chamber. His work is overseen by 2 strange authority figures, a monk and a man wearing an entertainer's robe. His robe of lust is covered with lipstick stains, a clue about his secret side job. The rise of satanism has opened the door to all manner of debauchery.
Servants of the devil stand in mockery of the church. They mimic the same symbols that represent all that is good, a method of hurling childish insults at God. This card is the gate of temple of the devil. Evil men carry out their plan to open the gates of Hell.
The artisan puts the final touches on the gates. Proud devil worshippers direct the construction of the ultimate abomination. It is a sign of the times, how Satan has gained a foothold on the world by establishing his own church. God help us all.
Upright keywords: trade, skilled labour, craft, aristocracy, renown, glory, barter, work in progress