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The Secret
Tarot Reading

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The Secret Spread

The Secret of the High Priestess

Similar in form to the Egyptian Cross, the final spread on the site is just what you are looking for, the Secret. Everybody who plays with tarot cards attempting to summon demons is looking for secrets. Of course they only desire this evil occult knowledge in order to 1-up their brothers. They do not love their brothers as themselves, or they would share the knowledge instead of use it to try to make people feel stupid. Oh the ignorance of their folly!

Like the Egyptian Cross spread, the Secret begins with 2 significators. In this case they are read as if they were crossed like in the Celtic Cross. Then above there are 3 chronological cards representing the past, present, and future. They are mystically labeled like the changing moon cycles, as the Secret comes from a dark place.

Cards #6 and 7 are labeled Dark and Light, Dark meaning the dark or emotional side of the issue, and Light conversely meaning the rational side of things. There is not really a final outcome, but there are 2 future cards to show the reader's dark fate, the "Waxing" card #4 already mentioned and the "Next Step" at the base of the spread. This is basically the outcome.

The final card, #9 is only considered part of the reading if it happens to be a Major Arcana card. Any Minor Arcana cards in this position only say that you didn't get a "Secret" this time. Maybe next time the devil's high priestess will be more generous.

The Secret Reading

Waxing Influence

Queen of Swords
Present Influence

4 of Pentagrams
Waning Influence

Queen of Cups
  Significator #1

6 of Swords
Significator #2

Ace of Swords
In the Dark

Ace of Cups
The Secret (only comes into play if the card is of the Major Arcana)

8 of Swords
In the Light

Page of Pentagrams
  The Next Step

The Moon
In this spread there are 2 Significators. They may compliment or oppose each other.
Significator #1
6 of Swords

A man takes his family on a lamentful journey. They could be going to a funeral or maybe just to the store. All the card says is the trip they are taking will be no fun.

The picture is like a recreation of the River Styx, with the father acting as the ferryman for his wife and son. All of the swords in the boat are representative of sorrow weighing heavy. The swords are excess baggage that they carry. It could also mean that they have become aware of things they should not have.

Flat calm waters are perfectly still except for their wake. A pale gray sky looms over this card which depicts a lengthly awkward silence.

Upright keywords: route, way, envoy, method, trip, journey, migration, venture, travel

Significator #2
Ace of Swords

A creepy hand appears out of a dark cloud to begin the suit about thinking and thoughts, the Swords. All knowledge of this world is inherently evil. Swords are dangerous as the pursuit of worldly knowledge does nothing but pile evil on top of evil as if it were an unholy Tower of Babel.

Like the aforementioned story, the card shows an intellectual effort to know the heavens - the very definition of EVIL! The entire Swords suit does nothing but continual evil as it plays out, and this card is the root of it all.

The giant sword penetrates the crown in the sky as if to violate heaven. Knowledge of the heavens represents the ultimate evil. Those who seek wisdom of such are blasphemous false prophets who should be cut off from among their people at the very minimum.

Upright keywords: excessive pride, ego, self-esteem, arrogance, superior, false prophecy, self-exalted

Waning Influence
Queen of Cups

Decked with treasure, the queen sits upon her throne at the very edge of the sea. She balances an immaculate cup in her grip, focused intently on her prize possession. Topped of with a steeple, the gaudy goblet is flanked by 2 demons in mockery of the angels.

She skries into the sinister concoction as if it contains God's wisdom. The cups are the suit of emotions, and emotions sometimes act as a kind of gut feeling or conscience which are good tidings of wisdom. Unfortunately emotions also have a negative side that can be just as potent.

As with several other Cups cards, the danger present here is that of self-deception. Emotions can provide a false sense of security. A kingdom built on emotional misconceptions is no better than a castle made of sand.

Reversed keywords: evil eye, wicked witch, malevolent, twisted, plotting, vengeance, a woman scorned

Current Influence
4 of Pentagrams

This is the secret side of the Emperor. He sits in front of his kingdom showing off the the head, heart, and roots of his earthly power. He is rich and powerful because of his master, the devil. The minister of evil greedily clenches the devil's symbol in his vile clutches. He is a conservative oppresser who would go to any lengths to retain his position.

He is firm in his stance, as firm of a stance as possible. The souls of his feet stand atop 2 pentagrams, signifying his permanent attachment to the devil. He has sold his soul and is now the property of Satan. Balancing atop his crown, the pentagram stands for the knowledge of this world.

Satan has been called the god of this world by some, but this is only admission of their own guilt. There shall be no other gods before the LORD. Though it is a mystery why evil is so prevalent in these trying times, we must be strong and not bow before the devil or his servants.

Upright keywords: possession, cleaving to, gift, legacy, inheritance, clenching, greed, ownership

Waxing Influence
Queen of Swords

This particular Queen has the worst reputation of all the suits. She is known to rip people apart with caculated insults intended to strip people of their self-respect, utterly demoralizing them. She runs people down unmercifully and does not quit until she has broken their wills. She is like a dark cloud that ruins your whole day.

She plants the seed of psychosis in her victim's mind and then hatefully fuels its rapid growth. This is a dark sign of deep depression. High pressure so overly high that it depresses the pressure and the poor person ends up depressed, down in the dumps.

The power of the sword that she holds over your head is to do harm. The person in this card takes great satisfaction in the misery of her subjects. Her madness knows no bounds, and can easily progress well beyond the definition of torture.

Reversed keywords: malice, bigotry, artifice, prudery, bale, deceit, tricks, ignorance, emotional damage, intent to harm

In the Light (Conscious)
Page of Pentagrams

A young man focuses on his wicked accomplishment. His full attention belongs to this satanic possession. The pentagram could represent any kind of satanic connection that he may have. The one thing that is certain about it is that he considers it his prize possession. But the sad truth is that the man's possessions actually end up owning him.

The maker of this tarot deck happened to be the same occultist who wrote The Book of Black Magic. When Aleister Crowley was considered the wickedest man in the world, A.E. Waite was the one who actually wrote about black magic. Other occultists of their time were overshadowed by these 2, who only represent the tip of the iceberg.

The young man looks and acts wimpy and effeminate in his girly clothes, but upon closer inspection we notice this guy's guns. He is a muscleman who cloaks his powerhouse physique in weak mannerisms. His gender-bending style is grotesque and disturbing. He could be a performer, which explains why he is so flamboyant.

Upright keywords: application, study, scholarship, reflection, news, messager, rule, management

Reversed keywords: prodigality, dissipation, liberality, luxury, leak, unfavourable news, commencement

In the Dark (Unconscious)
Ace of Cups

In this card a creepy hand emerges from a cloud palming the base of a goblet. The cup in hand is purported to be none other than the Holy Grail! In a deck of cards that was founded on blasphemous imagery, nothing is sacred. Though nothing would seem to indicate any apparent evil signs in this card, it is just way too out of place in the deck of debauchery.

All of the symbolism of this card is holy imagery. The dove descending is seen as a sign from heaven. Perhaps the twisted mind who thought up the tarot deck conceived that since tarot readers share an universal love of evil, that evil would be good in their eyes. Therefore the sign of the Holy Grail pictured on the Ace of Cups must be construed as being a representation of the ultimate evil.

It is a confusing card, because if you understand the truth that the cup of Christ is the ultimate spiritual treasure, then you would not be using tarot cards or doing readings. As a practitioner of the most sinister evil, you must view this card as the worst reminder of what you have sacrificed.

Reversed keywords: mutation, instability, revolution, phony, false, insecure, changing

The Next Step
The Moon

The gate of sunset seems to be the setting for a long dark path. This card is another bad omen. It shows a treacherous road if evolution from the point of view of a low life lobster. The ridiculous ideas of evolution that are suggested by this card are meaningless. A lobster will never evolve into a human being no matter how much time passes.

A dog and a wolf show that man's best friend is sort of a creation of creative breeders, so maybe evolution makes a small amount of sense. They are trying to suggest here that man is equal to God though and this is evil. The crusty crustacean will not make it up the mountains. It will naturally sink back to the slimy abyss that spawned it. This is where the nasty thing belongs.

Reversed keywords: delirium, paranoia, distress, hyper-alertness, pins and needles, butterflies, shaky nerves

The Secret
(Only consider this card relevant to your reading if it is a Major Arcana. Cards from the Minor Arcana are ignored.)
8 of Swords

The 8 of Swords is a card of cruelty, bondage, and suffering. A blindfolded woman has been abducted and tied up. She stands upon the sandy forks of the delta, where the river meets the sea. She is surrounded by the 8 swords to remind her that she isn't going anywhere. In the distance a castle sits atop a high hill by the seaside.

This is a card of certain evil. Someone may have performed an evil love spell of bondage. It is not love if it seeks to capture and enslave. This is sin. It is also folly. One can not possess another person. Any desire to do such is wickedness.

It is a sign of oppression and interference. The castle on the shore taunts her with the vision of an unattainable paradise. Of course she can't see it being blindfolded, but she can certainly hear it. She is bound to her evil ways.

Reversed keywords: cruelty, bondage, oppression, evil, malevolent, sinister, sadism

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