The Relationship Spread
The devil offers relationship advice like a matchmaker of lust. This Relationship spread attempts to break down the realtionship between 2 people using a scientific method of psychology. It is interpreted by analyzing the differences between the matching cards on either side of the relationship.
The first card to be seen is the significator. This card represents the overall theme and mood of the entire relationship. Next we move to interpreting the 2 columns that characterize each individual's role in the pair.
The top row shows the conscious thoughts of each person, or what they think about the relationship and their partner. The middle row, cards #6-3 show the way each individual feels about the other.
The bottom row represents the way each person acts in the relationship. The stance they take could be genuine, or maybe it is just a facade.
The Relationship Reading
You |
Other Person |
Thoughts |

9 of Wands

10 of Wands
Emotions |

King of Cups

6 of Swords

2 of Wands
(external appearance) |

4 of Wands

Page of Swords
6 of Swords
A man takes his family on a lamentful journey. They could be going to a funeral or maybe just to the store. All the card says is the trip they are taking will be no fun.
The picture is like a recreation of the River Styx, with the father acting as the ferryman for his wife and son. All of the swords in the boat are representative of sorrow weighing heavy. The swords are excess baggage that they carry. It could also mean that they have become aware of things they should not have.
Flat calm waters are perfectly still except for their wake. A pale gray sky looms over this card which depicts a lengthly awkward silence.
Reversed keywords: bad trip, nightmare, rollercoaster, bummer, drag, downer, misfortune
Your Thoughts
9 of Wands
The guy in this card has managed to once again secure the loyalty of his comrads. They are protecting him because he has been injured and he's an important member of the group. They erect a shield of staves to protect their own to give him time to heal.
He gets the respect of a soldier wounded in battle, but he secretly revels in the power they once again present him with. He knows better than to try to command the group through force, so he chooses to manipulate their sympathies. He discovers a much easier form of power to achieve, which happens to be a lot more potent too.
He doesn't even have to lift a finger to control the group, who finally has a cause to support, a reason to come together. It fills the emotional needs of those who seek control and those who seek to be controlled at the same time. The man has learned a new trick from the devil.
Reversed keywords: obstacles, adversity, calamity, delay, suspension, dark cloud, setbacks
Their Thoughts
10 of Wands
A guy comes in to steal all the staves while their owners were at lunch! This card is a reminder not to leave your stuff unattended. Now he will probably go and start his own mob of 10 men. That's what happens when people are so careless. They don't appreciate what they have until it's gone.
The thief in this card symbolizes the obvious, thievery and criminal behavior. It's a quick task that may take him only a minute to achieve, and the rewards are tremendous so it's clear why a criminal chooses a life of crime: laziness. They don't want to do all the hard work that it takes real people to build up their assets.
Upon closer inspection however, we notice that the life of a thief isn't always so easy. They have to worry about the consequences of their actions. What would happen if the mob of 9 had just came back from lunch? He has a lot to worry about. Also we can see that it is actually a very difficult task to run away while trying to carry 10 staves. He is having trouble keeping so many of them together.
Upright keywords: theft, crime, steal, take, collection, tension, focus, attention, burglar
Your Emotions
King of Cups
The patriarch of the Cups suit sits on his throne, which is adrift at sea. He is the king of the element of water. The extreme representation of him sailing the seas alone on his throne is as bold of a statement as if he could walk on water. Where is his kingdom? It must be under the sea.
His power is as solid as the foundation of his kingdom, which symbolically supports him. He must be as light as a feather if he doesn't want to sink. What good is a kingdom if it sits on the ocean floor?
Behind him on either side is a whale or large fish jumping out of the water and a ship sailing. He dons the dorkiest crown in the deck, looking like a real nerd. Perhaps that is why he seems so isolated and detached from his world.
Reversed keywords: dishonest, double-dealing, rogue, injustice, vice, scandal, considerable loss, looting
Their Emotions
2 of Wands
This guy is holding a staff in his left hand and a crystal ball in his right. The blasphemous act of the offer from the devil has progressed quickly. Now we have access to the devil's tools directly. We can see though what's really going on. The guy thinks he holds the world in the palm of his hand.
It is true however that Satan does have the power to give you power over the whole world. This card indicates a very dangerous situation where somebody has fooled himself into thinking that he is getting a good deal.
The deal is, the whole time you are in command of this power you will be fueled by the power of the devil. But like steroids, the power is only temporary. In a short while there will be a price to be paid, and what a price the ultimate price is!
Reversed keywords: physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification, fear, trouble
Your Facade
4 of Wands
The warlock who opened the gate of Hell in the previous card, with the devil's blessing, has succeeded brilliantly. Without warning we stumble upon, of all debaucheries, the gay parade! In a world gone wild with rampant abomination of things such as tarot readings being considered alright, anything goes. How quicky does mankind sink into its own vile pits, only four ranks into the suit.
They welcome us to the parade with open arms as happy as can be. But it is the devil's parade, and what is the devil's parade but hell on earth? The tarot deck is full of such warnings, but there's always somebody who just has to violate the warning. The sad part is that he ruins it for all of us.
Now the devil's army marches proudly down the street bearing the symbols of peace and love. They take the things we hold closest to our heart and pervert it with unspeakable blasphemy. When the devil's army marches down your street, where will you be? The guy who started this whole thing ruined everything for everyone, like one bad apple spoiled the whole barrel.
Reversed keywords: prosperity, increase, felicity, beauty, growth, embellishment, attractive
Their Facade
Page of Swords
A swift runner rides a wave of expedience. He skates across the top of the land as if it were ice, making it look easy. He is active and aware. He must be on full alert because his enemies could come at him from any direction at any time.
This guy is a real jerk, which should be fairly obvious due to his apparent lack of friends and abundance of enemies. He is quick witted and sinister in his insults. He takes pleasure not only in other people's misfortunes, but in selfishly having caused their misfortune himself.
He is paranoid because that's the position he puts himself in. Ordinary people spend their lives avoiding tense situations. The Page of Swords spends his life getting into tense situations. He is a born troublemaker.
Reversed keywords: unprovoked, blindsided, cowardice, sneak attack, hit from behind, Pearl Harbor