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The Relationship Tarot Reading

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The Relationship Spread

The Relationship

The devil offers relationship advice like a matchmaker of lust. This Relationship spread attempts to break down the realtionship between 2 people using a scientific method of psychology. It is interpreted by analyzing the differences between the matching cards on either side of the relationship.

The first card to be seen is the significator. This card represents the overall theme and mood of the entire relationship. Next we move to interpreting the 2 columns that characterize each individual's role in the pair.

The top row shows the conscious thoughts of each person, or what they think about the relationship and their partner. The middle row, cards #6-3 show the way each individual feels about the other.

The bottom row represents the way each person acts in the relationship. The stance they take could be genuine, or maybe it is just a facade.

The Relationship Reading

  You   Other Person
Page of Cups
3 of Swords
4 of Pentagrams

3 of Cups

The Devil
(external appearance)

Ace of Wands
Queen of Wands


3 of Cups

The suit of Cups started out so pure with the Holy Grail and love, but how quickly does love go too far. The caped crossdresser disguises his manhood to make it seem okay that he'ss going out for a night with the girls. The greatest shame here may be that maybe nobody would suspect the obvious.

An excess of love may run the risk of crossing the boundary of decency, as we see happening on this card. One woman is not enough for this fellow, who aspires to build a harem. He has a good start with these 2 young ladies as they party.

They fill their cups with the wine of excess. The days of the debauchery of the likes of King Solomon are long passed, but the spirit of such outlandish whoredoms has been reborn in recent years. Where this card comes up, it shows that there are people having too much fun.

Upright keywords: plenty, merriment, glad, victory, fulfilment, solace, celebration, rejoice, dancing


Your Thoughts

Page of Cups

A girly man talks to a fish in his cup. Clearly somebody has had one too many. Delirium sets in as he starts tripping. The evil that is associated with this card is possession. Spirits that possess a soul may be invited by drinking, drugs, or other forms of personal experimentation. Such experiments always blow up in the person's face.

The fish emerging from the cup is actually an holy sign with dual implications. He holds the Holy Grail, which of course contains the Jesus fish. The cup symbolically holds the essence of Christ, the spirit of holy self-sacrifice.

The fish is probably telling the guy on this card that he dresses like a fruit and needs to be a man. He might think he knows himself, but he is not aware of God's plan for him. He better listen to the fish if he knows what's good for him.

Upright keywords: dreams, imagination, fantasy, figment, head trip, fancy, invention

Their Thoughts

3 of Swords

The 3 swords pierce a heart as if you were to receive a Valentine's card from somebody who was breaking up with you. A storm rages in the background. This is a card of particularly evil feelings. It is the tarot deck's broken heart.

The card does not really need a description as it projects such apparent symbolism that nobody could misread it. A broken heart doesn't feel good to anybody except maybe the person who broke it. Unfortunately there are many who would love to destroy others emotionally, as if it feeds their sick satisfaction.

Where this card appears there has been an evil act that has shaken a person to their core. There is probably a profound sorrow and resentment that will linger for some time.

Upright keywords: removal, absence, delay, division, rupture, loss, dispersion, spillage, waste


Your Emotions

4 of Pentagrams

This is the secret side of the Emperor. He sits in front of his kingdom showing off the the head, heart, and roots of his earthly power. He is rich and powerful because of his master, the devil. The minister of evil greedily clenches the devil's symbol in his vile clutches. He is a conservative oppresser who would go to any lengths to retain his position.

He is firm in his stance, as firm of a stance as possible. The souls of his feet stand atop 2 pentagrams, signifying his permanent attachment to the devil. He has sold his soul and is now the property of Satan. Balancing atop his crown, the pentagram stands for the knowledge of this world.

Satan has been called the god of this world by some, but this is only admission of their own guilt. There shall be no other gods before the LORD. Though it is a mystery why evil is so prevalent in these trying times, we must be strong and not bow before the devil or his servants.

Upright keywords: possession, cleaving to, gift, legacy, inheritance, clenching, greed, ownership

Their Emotions

The Devil

Adam and Eve after their fall from ignorance are pictured on the Devil card. Under his watch they are chained up like dogs. This is the fate that the Devil wants for all of us, but lucky for us Jesus Christ is our saviour. They have taken on the traits of the Devil under his influence. They are subject to their lower nature which the Devil delights in, having kidnapped God's children.

Arthur Edward Waite, the occultist who masterminded the most infamous version of the tarot deck in history, was known to be a black magician who encouraged grave robbing and other such unthinkable crimes. He wrote all about how to do it in The Book of Black Magic.

The Devil has come to enslave you. He wants to make you a deal you can't refuse so that you wind up selling him your birthright. The Devil feasts on the souls of ignorant fools who play with tarot cards thinking they are going to one-up their fellow men. These methods only work in the short term and are certain to come crashing down on you in the end, much like the next card.

Upright keywords: obedience, slavery, servitude, oppression, carnal desires, petty concerns


Your Facade

Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is the first card of the deck if it was arranged in chronological order. A creepy hand that must be an ancestor of The Thing emerges from a dark cloud. It seems to be offering an olive branch. The first thing that the tarot devil does is seduce you with the illusion of peace. Like the garden of Eden, those who use tarot cards are eating forbidden fruit.

The devil hands off the first wand as if it was a batton of blasphemy. Would you really want to carry out his evil? Every time you do a tarot reading you are gluttonously devouring the very fruit that the LORD specifically insisted that you NOT eat. Why don't people learn from ancient Bible history? Some people just never learn. You would be wise to just say No when the devil tempts you.

What this card is all about is the devil tempting you. Whatever position this card falls into in the reading is where the devil is at work. And this is only the beginning!

Reversed keywords: decadence, fall, ruin, perdition, to crumble or go all to pieces, bittersweet victory

Their Facade

Queen of Wands

What is the first thing you notice about this card? Is it her unladylike stance, or the black cat between her legs? She seems to project an openly generous attitude, as if offering the sunflower in her left hand as a gift. A sunflower is a very positive symbol, but a black cat is blocking your path.

Everybody knows that black cats mean bad luck when they cross your path. Even though she looks like she offers a treasure, you know it comes with a price. If you accept her generosity, you will also accept a curse of bad luck.

She appears to be a very authoritative lady. She has generally the same character traits as her matching king, but with a less intimidating quality that comes with her charisma. Just be careful what comes with her gifts.

Upright keywords: economical, obliging, usable, friendly, chaste, loving, honourable, successful

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