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The Past, Present, and Future
Tarot Reading

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The Past, Present, and Future Spread

The Past, Present, and Future

This simple 3-card spread is read like a chronological story. The positions are apparent, and there's not much need to give instructions based on the simplicity of this spread. One of the most commonly known spreads, if it didn't already exist in every book and tarot reading website there is, probably everybody that ever used tarot cards would have invented it themselves.

The Past, Present, and Future Reading

The Past

King of Pentagrams
The Present

The Devil
The Future

The Tower
The Past

King of Pentagrams

The suit of Pentagrams is not concerned specifically with money or material possessions, but it does often represent these things. It is the most wicked suit in the deck, bearing the sigil of Baphomet, the goat-headed devil that speaks for Satan. Occultists used to call upon Baphomet due to the fact that they were terrified of the devil. The cute goat was a lot easier to talk to.

Like Richard Ramirez, the king represents the Pentagram in his left hand, the hand of the devil. Those who follow the devil have certain code words for what they do so they can conspire openly. One of the code phrases for being a satanist is 'the left-hand path.' It looks like that's what we have here.

The king of this suit is a real slouch. He is happy with the way things are as long as he does not have to work. This is a card synonymous with the sin of sloth. Sadly the king's greatest ambition was to watch everybody else do all the work for him while he 'balances the budget.' He is a strong personality who acts like he carries his own weight, but he rides on the back of others.

Upright keywords: vice, weakness, ugly, perverse, corruption, peril, sloth, laziness, mismanagement

The Present

The Devil

Adam and Eve after their fall from ignorance are pictured on the Devil card. Under his watch they are chained up like dogs. This is the fate that the Devil wants for all of us, but lucky for us Jesus Christ is our saviour. They have taken on the traits of the Devil under his influence. They are subject to their lower nature which the Devil delights in, having kidnapped God's children.

Arthur Edward Waite, the occultist who masterminded the most infamous version of the tarot deck in history, was known to be a black magician who encouraged grave robbing and other such unthinkable crimes. He wrote all about how to do it in The Book of Black Magic.

The Devil has come to enslave you. He wants to make you a deal you can't refuse so that you wind up selling him your birthright. The Devil feasts on the souls of ignorant fools who play with tarot cards thinking they are going to one-up their fellow men. These methods only work in the short term and are certain to come crashing down on you in the end, much like the next card.

Upright keywords: obedience, slavery, servitude, oppression, carnal desires, petty concerns

The Future

The Tower

'Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.'

This is a card of catastrophe. The LORD strikes down vain attempts to become His equal. This is what the Devil of the previous card taught you to do. This is what Eve was thinking when the serpent told her the fruit was good. This is vanity.

Lightning strikes the crowned Tower that so aggressively penetrated the heavens. Upon closer inspection we see the Tower here actually symbolizes the penis. This perverted card shows the action of this organ symbolically through the Tower.

Upright keywords: meaningless sex, lust, shame, loss, setback, wastefulness, unholy, Tower of Babel

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