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The Past, Present, and Future
Tarot Reading

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The Past, Present, and Future Spread

The Past, Present, and Future

This simple 3-card spread is read like a chronological story. The positions are apparent, and there's not much need to give instructions based on the simplicity of this spread. One of the most commonly known spreads, if it didn't already exist in every book and tarot reading website there is, probably everybody that ever used tarot cards would have invented it themselves.

The Past, Present, and Future Reading

The Past

10 of Wands
The Present

Ace of Swords
The Future

8 of Pentagrams
The Past

10 of Wands

A guy comes in to steal all the staves while their owners were at lunch! This card is a reminder not to leave your stuff unattended. Now he will probably go and start his own mob of 10 men. That's what happens when people are so careless. They don't appreciate what they have until it's gone.

The thief in this card symbolizes the obvious, thievery and criminal behavior. It's a quick task that may take him only a minute to achieve, and the rewards are tremendous so it's clear why a criminal chooses a life of crime: laziness. They don't want to do all the hard work that it takes real people to build up their assets.

Upon closer inspection however, we notice that the life of a thief isn't always so easy. They have to worry about the consequences of their actions. What would happen if the mob of 9 had just came back from lunch? He has a lot to worry about. Also we can see that it is actually a very difficult task to run away while trying to carry 10 staves. He is having trouble keeping so many of them together.

Upright keywords: theft, crime, steal, take, collection, tension, focus, attention, burglar

The Present

Ace of Swords

A creepy hand appears out of a dark cloud to begin the suit about thinking and thoughts, the Swords. All knowledge of this world is inherently evil. Swords are dangerous as the pursuit of worldly knowledge does nothing but pile evil on top of evil as if it were an unholy Tower of Babel.

Like the aforementioned story, the card shows an intellectual effort to know the heavens - the very definition of EVIL! The entire Swords suit does nothing but continual evil as it plays out, and this card is the root of it all.

The giant sword penetrates the crown in the sky as if to violate heaven. Knowledge of the heavens represents the ultimate evil. Those who seek wisdom of such are blasphemous false prophets who should be cut off from among their people at the very minimum.

Upright keywords: excessive pride, ego, self-esteem, arrogance, superior, false prophecy, self-exalted

The Future

8 of Pentagrams

In the guise of artist, a man does the work of Satan. This card is a sign of excessive pride and vanity. He takes so much pride in doing the devil's deeds that his ego expands exponentially. Before he knows it, he believes himself to be a god. Unfortunately he has only risen to the height of folly.

The satanic works of the man are proudly displayed at the man's work station. He does batches of satanic sigils before distributing them to Satan's growing army of worshippers. Each work takes on a life of its own, spreading evil in a systematic web spun by the devil himself.

The devil's works could be anything intended to spread his message: any kind of art, crafts, poetry, books, movies, TV shows, new age religions, or any kinds of ideas large or small. One must be careful because in these times satanism is being sold on every street corner in all manner of packaging.

Reversed keywords: voided ambition, vanity, exaction, usury, cunning, ingenious, intrigue

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