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The Horse Shoe Tarot Reading

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The Horse Shoe Spread

The Horse Shoe

This spread is the devil's word. He tricks us with cute good luck symbols which are in reality just godless attempts to manufacture one's own luck with the aid of superstitious heretical nonsense.

The Horse Shoe is a more in-depth spread than the 3 card version of the Past, Present, and Future, adding 4 extra cards to form the shape of an horse shoe. Essentially the spread works the same way though. Cards #1, 2, and 7 show the chronological past, present, and future as it plays out.

In this spread, card #3 hints at the evil occult influences that are allegedly haunting your path forward. This card is a warning and could signify the devil or demon that is on your back. The top card, the Obstacle is read in conjunction with card #3 to help determine who or what the enemy is. This is the card that shows what stands is your way, what must be overcome.

The next card, #5 should also be added to the mix of the 2 prior cards in the interpretation of who the enemy is. This card has more to do with the environment and who is there watching your struggle. It may be a friend, or possibly an enemy. Next card #6 comes along to conveniently suggest the course of action. The number 6 is the number of man, but also the number of evil. Naturally the devil knows what lies in the vile heart of man.

The Horse Shoe Reading


The Fool
Occult Influences

8 of Pentagrams
      External Influences

5 of Pentagrams
The Present

Page of Pentagrams

The World
Past Influences

2 of Pentagrams

Knight of Wands
Past Influences
2 of Pentagrams

Twice the evil is twice the fun. Also twice the trouble. This joker balances 2 pentagrams, waving his arms like the sea. His perverted sexual innuendo likens himself to a human penis. I will not explain the depraved meanings of his solo dance routine, so not to glorify his self-abuse. It is better not to give this desperate, depraved fool any attention.

He likens the sea to a giant body of flowing semen. This is noticable as he mimics the high tide with his enormous testicles. There is no mistake about it, not wearing that giant condom top hat. The card clearly represents the male mating dance ritual.

The man might be a male stripper as the party clown. There's a better chance that it is just some pathetic chronic masturbator though, a sick soul lustfully devouring itself. Whatever the case, the card is all about a guy with sex on the brain, wearing a condom hat as if his thoughts were erect.

Reversed keywords: gaiety, simulated pleasure, logical sense, writing, composition, exchanging letters

The Present
Page of Pentagrams

A young man focuses on his wicked accomplishment. His full attention belongs to this satanic possession. The pentagram could represent any kind of satanic connection that he may have. The one thing that is certain about it is that he considers it his prize possession. But the sad truth is that the man's possessions actually end up owning him.

The maker of this tarot deck happened to be the same occultist who wrote The Book of Black Magic. When Aleister Crowley was considered the wickedest man in the world, A.E. Waite was the one who actually wrote about black magic. Other occultists of their time were overshadowed by these 2, who only represent the tip of the iceberg.

The young man looks and acts wimpy and effeminate in his girly clothes, but upon closer inspection we notice this guy's guns. He is a muscleman who cloaks his powerhouse physique in weak mannerisms. His gender-bending style is grotesque and disturbing. He could be a performer, which explains why he is so flamboyant.

Upright keywords: application, study, scholarship, reflection, news, messager, rule, management

Evil Occult Influences
8 of Pentagrams

In the guise of artist, a man does the work of Satan. This card is a sign of excessive pride and vanity. He takes so much pride in doing the devil's deeds that his ego expands exponentially. Before he knows it, he believes himself to be a god. Unfortunately he has only risen to the height of folly.

The satanic works of the man are proudly displayed at the man's work station. He does batches of satanic sigils before distributing them to Satan's growing army of worshippers. Each work takes on a life of its own, spreading evil in a systematic web spun by the devil himself.

The devil's works could be anything intended to spread his message: any kind of art, crafts, poetry, books, movies, TV shows, new age religions, or any kinds of ideas large or small. One must be careful because in these times satanism is being sold on every street corner in all manner of packaging.

Reversed keywords: voided ambition, vanity, exaction, usury, cunning, ingenious, intrigue

The Fool

The Fool is exactly what you are if you are using tarot cards. This card appears as a warning that you are in danger. You better be careful. You could go right over the edge. If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you?

On top of his complete disregard for the dangers that he tempts, the Fool is obviously a homosexual who is careless even when it comes to committing bestiality. He prances around like a faerie wishing that he could fall into the lap of a big macho man on his descent into debauchery.

The warning this card signifies should be heeded with extreme caution lest you end up falling into a bottomless pit with hell fire and brimstone at the bottom. You had better straighten up your ways too. Just because everybody is gay these days doesn't mean that the LORD has changed the law. Go put on some pants, weirdo.

Reversed keywords: stupid, idiot, retarded, moronic, dumb ass, imbecile, ignoramus, lemming

External Influences
5 of Pentagrams

This is a card of harm and injury. Hobbling past the blasphemous stained glass window of the satanic church, 2 dejected souls freeze their toes in the snow. Desolation, hurt, pain and suffering are the essence of this card, one of the tarot deck's most evil omens.

They have been banished. Cut off from among their people, these 2 are permanently damaged by their own follies. The harm they have caused others comes back to them. The devil's church is right there to remind them that they are that close to the fire.

It seems like the ultimate torture knowing that it could all be so easy if they just gave up and went inside. But they are strong and determined, tough enough to make it through the cold night. They are well aware that they must endure the pain if they want to go to heaven.

Upright keywords: destitution, desparation, poverty, misfortune, hard times, recession, unemployment

The World

The World card tempts the reader with a vision of the gate of the Garden of Eden. The temptation is none other than an erotic dancer caught in the moment as she shamelessly flaunts her nakedness like the Whore of Babylon. The blasphemous depiction of the cherubs does not even need to be mentioned.

She twirls flaming sticks in her fingers as she seduces her master's flock in a debauched pagan satanic ritual intended to excite the members of his perverse congregation. The use of the voluptuous woman as an alter of flesh to the devil is also known as the Black Mass. The World wants you to sell your soul to its master the Devil.

The World is an illusion that is placed there to tempt us with what we know that the LORD told us not to do, even though it seems like the thing that you want the most. But the matrix is a mirage. How can one truly enter a false image?

Upright keywords: entirety, lock stock and barrel, aggregate, total, universal, fullness, wholeness

Knight of Wands

We notice from the court cards that the suit of Wands is synonymous with lizards. The fiery garb on his armor goes with the character of the suit. Also there are the pyramids of Giza in the background, for those who know geography. The pyramid, a triangle pointed upward is also the symbol for fire, as it is shaped like a flame.

Knights are mounted riders who are in pursuit of conquest and the spoils of war. This knight is certainly no Egyptian. He rides through foreign soil pillaging the land. He asserts himself with a dominant stance, his horse reared up.

The horse is just ready to spring into action. This is a card of potential energy, symbolizing a man who is ready to go. He is like the thief in the 10 of Wands but this time a thief with honor. He may be on a quest for the holy land, or at least that's what people believe about him.

Upright keywords: departure, absence, flight, emigration, a friendly neighbor, new residence

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