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The Egyptian Cross Tarot Reading

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The Egyptian Cross Spread

The Ankh

Like the Celtic Cross, here we have another evil pagan imitation of the crucifix mocking the holy alter. The ankh is like the Egyptian version of the cross, and likewise the Egyptian Cross spread is shaped in its form. The spread is also similar in working, except this spread goes deeper into the background of the question.

This spread has not 1, but 2 significators, the 2 crossing cards, #1 and 2. They are equally relevant. Going into the background is what this spread is meant to do, so the next 2 cards show the early causes of the situation followed by the triggering causes, the evil force that activated the dormant seed of the early causes. Higher perceptions, card #5 is actually supposed to represent what the LORD thinks about it all. This would be the card that really matters. Card #6 represents the concusion of the matter as far as what must take place according to divine fate.

The bottom pillar further exposes the outcome, but from the lower perspectives rather than the high above. The future is broken into 3 steps. The immediate future is card #7, the next step that is supposed to be right around the corner. Then card #8 shows the image of a surprising experience that comes after. The final card, as always shows the final outcome of the matter, in other words ultimate fate. But keep in mind that if you believe any of this stuff you are worshiping heathen idols.

The Egyptian Cross Reading

  Higher Perspective

6 of Wands
Early Causes

2 of Cups
  Triggering Causes

Ace of Cups
  Necessary Conclusions

Queen of Cups
Significator #1

2 of Swords
  Significator #2

8 of Swords
  The Next Step

7 of Swords
  Surprising Experiences

Ace of Pentagrams

The Star
In this spread there are 2 Significators. They may support or oppose each other.
Significator #1

2 of Swords

A blindfolded woman holds 2 heavy swords forming the shape of a V. She is seated in a chair on the edge of the sea, like several cards of the Cups suit. Considering the suit this card is part of, this is probably not such a bad sign in light of the rest of the deck. She bears the burden of thought, as if she must solve a difficult math equation entirely in her head.

The wickedness of being left to the whims of one's own thoughts may be just getting started here. The picture seems to signify burdensome thoughts building inside the mind of the young woman. The more she thinks, the more trouble she creates for herself.

The only hope for this card is that she is paused, so she may stop her insane quest here before she goes too far. Where this card shows up in a reading probably says that there is a need to pause and reflect, and maybe stop whatever it is you were thinking about doing.

Upright keywords: peace, calm, quiet, content, conformity, concord, harmony, passive resistance

Significator #2

8 of Swords

The 8 of Swords is a card of cruelty, bondage, and suffering. A blindfolded woman has been abducted and tied up. She stands upon the sandy forks of the delta, where the river meets the sea. She is surrounded by the 8 swords to remind her that she isn't going anywhere. In the distance a castle sits atop a high hill by the seaside.

This is a card of certain evil. Someone may have performed an evil love spell of bondage. It is not love if it seeks to capture and enslave. This is sin. It is also folly. One can not possess another person. Any desire to do such is wickedness.

It is a sign of oppression and interference. The castle on the shore taunts her with the vision of an unattainable paradise. Of course she can't see it being blindfolded, but she can certainly hear it. She is bound to her evil ways.

Upright keywords: harm, hurt, pain, possession, blindness, ignorance, masochism, torture

Early Causes

2 of Cups

A lion's head oversees the tarot deck's card of love. In the tarot deck there are men who are stage performers who dress almost in drag as a part of the act. Besides the obvious implications, we can dismiss this aspect of the card as nothing but the perverse style of evildoers.

The picture shows a young man and woman on a date. They took the day to share a romantic walk in the park. It is obvious by the way that they look at each other what they are thinking. They take a moment to toast to their love.

As they symbolically share a drink, the sign of their union appears between the cups. Twisting around the pole are 2 snakes that resemble a strand of DNA. It doesn't take a genious to figure out what these two are planning. We can only hope that they do the right thing and get married first.

Upright keywords: love, passion, friendship, affinity, union, concord, desire, intercourse

Triggering Causes

Ace of Cups

In this card a creepy hand emerges from a cloud palming the base of a goblet. The cup in hand is purported to be none other than the Holy Grail! In a deck of cards that was founded on blasphemous imagery, nothing is sacred. Though nothing would seem to indicate any apparent evil signs in this card, it is just way too out of place in the deck of debauchery.

All of the symbolism of this card is holy imagery. The dove descending is seen as a sign from heaven. Perhaps the twisted mind who thought up the tarot deck conceived that since tarot readers share an universal love of evil, that evil would be good in their eyes. Therefore the sign of the Holy Grail pictured on the Ace of Cups must be construed as being a representation of the ultimate evil.

It is a confusing card, because if you understand the truth that the cup of Christ is the ultimate spiritual treasure, then you would not be using tarot cards or doing readings. As a practitioner of the most sinister evil, you must view this card as the worst reminder of what you have sacrificed.

Reversed keywords: mutation, instability, revolution, phony, false, insecure, changing

Higher Perspective

6 of Wands

On the sixth card of the suit, the battle of the previous card has apparently been settled and there is now unity. After the 5 fools beat themselves up, one opportunist took control of the situation. This master of chaos has the power to control the fury of 5 psychotic satanists. Beware of the harbinger of woe.

An army of angry devil worshipers is the worst thing we've come across yet. Where ever this card falls, there is tons of trouble brewing up fast and furious. If you know how to stir this pot, it's time to do that and get away quick.

Notice how the master holds a staff of peace, but the only peace is the peace between devil worshipers. This is most unfortunate because now they are armed in unity. Whatever you do, don't mistake the wreath on his staff as an offer of peace. He may wave it like a white flag, but he is a follower of the master of lies.

Upright keywords: celebration, victory, triumph, spoils of war, conquest, on parade

Necessary Conclusions

Queen of Cups

Decked with treasure, the queen sits upon her throne at the very edge of the sea. She balances an immaculate cup in her grip, focused intently on her prize possession. Topped of with a steeple, the gaudy goblet is flanked by 2 demons in mockery of the angels.

She skries into the sinister concoction as if it contains God's wisdom. The cups are the suit of emotions, and emotions sometimes act as a kind of gut feeling or conscience which are good tidings of wisdom. Unfortunately emotions also have a negative side that can be just as potent.

As with several other Cups cards, the danger present here is that of self-deception. Emotions can provide a false sense of security. A kingdom built on emotional misconceptions is no better than a castle made of sand.

Reversed keywords: evil eye, wicked witch, malevolent, twisted, plotting, vengeance, a woman scorned

The Next Step

7 of Swords

A thief looks over his shoulder as he makes away with 5 of 7 swords. Just like the 10 of Wands, their owners were having supper. This heist is not as easy as grabbing 10 wands though. Swords are a lot harder to carry so he can only manage 5 of them. He treads lightly, knowing that anybody in those tents might notice their sword or their friend's walking away.

He is tiptoeing away from the scene of the crime, wishing that he was invisible. In Waite's Book of Black Magic, criminals are encouraged to do heinous spells of unimaginable evil. Waite, the maker of this tarot deck was a sinister occultist who was one of the most notorious proponents of evil that the world has ever known.

Knowing just a little about the twisted mind of Waite, we may assume that the fez-like cap the thief dons is most likely his hat of invisibility. The pathetic spell that the man must perform to even become invisible requires a night in the grave yard, where he must dig up a corpse and steal its hand, which then of course he puts in his pocket for good luck when he does crimes.

Reversed keywords: thief, violation, criminal, get away, burglary, heist, gambling, loss

Surprising Experiences

Ace of Pentagrams

The evil Thing that keeps handing off the sign of each suit offers you power directly from the devil. The printer called this suit Pentacles, when it is obviously Pentagrams in reality. The material and carnal implications of this suit makes it the most wicked of all signs. Though debauchery may abound all throughout each suit of the tarot deck, much of it was concentrated into this suit by the evil mastermind of black magic, Waite.

The pentagram is the sign of the devil. It is the satanic attempt to blaspheme the holy symbol of the crucifix; it is their response to the cross. The sign was traditionally used in evil occult ceremonial rites when they used to call upon the devil in secret.

After Anton Szandor LaVey branded his satanic religion with the pentagram, it was official: Satan was now being openly worshipped. Since LaVey's death, Satanism has flourished. When this card comes up it shows the seed of evil being planted. This card represents the essence of wickedness. It brings earthly and carnal delights.

Upright keywords: contentment, felicity, ecstasy, witty intelligence, gold, carnal pleasure, seed of evil


The Star

A nude woman has one foot on the ground and the other on the sea, like in Temperance. In fact she may be pouring out the elixers concocted in that card. She pours these two jugs out onto the land and the sea.

She is the Star empowered by Lucifer as indicated by the morning star above her. She is the servant of the figure in Temperance who reaps the fruit of the labor of Temperance. She steals the mixtures, pouring them out she symbolically intoxicates both the land and the fish.

She is only the Star because she is the one that got caught doing it. Noboby will probably ever find out who mixed the drinks because the Star isn't talking. She refuses to share the spotlight that she worked so hard to steal.

Reversed keywords: overbearing, overwhelming, too much, exaggerated, disproportionate, intoxication

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