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The Egyptian Cross Tarot Reading

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The Egyptian Cross Spread

The Ankh

Like the Celtic Cross, here we have another evil pagan imitation of the crucifix mocking the holy alter. The ankh is like the Egyptian version of the cross, and likewise the Egyptian Cross spread is shaped in its form. The spread is also similar in working, except this spread goes deeper into the background of the question.

This spread has not 1, but 2 significators, the 2 crossing cards, #1 and 2. They are equally relevant. Going into the background is what this spread is meant to do, so the next 2 cards show the early causes of the situation followed by the triggering causes, the evil force that activated the dormant seed of the early causes. Higher perceptions, card #5 is actually supposed to represent what the LORD thinks about it all. This would be the card that really matters. Card #6 represents the concusion of the matter as far as what must take place according to divine fate.

The bottom pillar further exposes the outcome, but from the lower perspectives rather than the high above. The future is broken into 3 steps. The immediate future is card #7, the next step that is supposed to be right around the corner. Then card #8 shows the image of a surprising experience that comes after. The final card, as always shows the final outcome of the matter, in other words ultimate fate. But keep in mind that if you believe any of this stuff you are worshiping heathen idols.

The Egyptian Cross Reading

  Higher Perspective

King of Pentagrams
Early Causes

The Devil
  Triggering Causes

7 of Wands
  Necessary Conclusions

Knight of Pentagrams
Significator #1

8 of Pentagrams
  Significator #2

Page of Wands
  The Next Step

The World
  Surprising Experiences

The Lovers

4 of Swords
In this spread there are 2 Significators. They may support or oppose each other.
Significator #1

8 of Pentagrams

In the guise of artist, a man does the work of Satan. This card is a sign of excessive pride and vanity. He takes so much pride in doing the devil's deeds that his ego expands exponentially. Before he knows it, he believes himself to be a god. Unfortunately he has only risen to the height of folly.

The satanic works of the man are proudly displayed at the man's work station. He does batches of satanic sigils before distributing them to Satan's growing army of worshippers. Each work takes on a life of its own, spreading evil in a systematic web spun by the devil himself.

The devil's works could be anything intended to spread his message: any kind of art, crafts, poetry, books, movies, TV shows, new age religions, or any kinds of ideas large or small. One must be careful because in these times satanism is being sold on every street corner in all manner of packaging.

Upright keywords: work, employment, commission, craftsmanship, business, preparation, skill, labor

Significator #2

Page of Wands

The questionable attire that this guy flamboyantly flaunts makes me wonder about him. It's been a very extremely long time since it's been fashionable for men to wear tights in public. He lustfully gazes at the peak of the staff as he holds it in his hands like a baby. What a strange fellow he is.

He wears a derby with a prominent feather to symbolize that he is an accomplished individual, despite his appearance. He may in fact be merely eccentric because of the feather in his cap. Maybe that's why he's so happy that he prances around like Peter Pan.

It is obvious that he is a proud man. He is so proud in fact that he flaunts his style topping off flaming boots and tight tights by wearing a dress and even a cape! He is a performer, that's the reason why he dresses like that, it's just part of his job. What a strange job indeed.

Upright keywords: faithful, lover, envoy, messenger, announcements, news, dedication, duty

Early Causes

The Devil

Adam and Eve after their fall from ignorance are pictured on the Devil card. Under his watch they are chained up like dogs. This is the fate that the Devil wants for all of us, but lucky for us Jesus Christ is our saviour. They have taken on the traits of the Devil under his influence. They are subject to their lower nature which the Devil delights in, having kidnapped God's children.

Arthur Edward Waite, the occultist who masterminded the most infamous version of the tarot deck in history, was known to be a black magician who encouraged grave robbing and other such unthinkable crimes. He wrote all about how to do it in The Book of Black Magic.

The Devil has come to enslave you. He wants to make you a deal you can't refuse so that you wind up selling him your birthright. The Devil feasts on the souls of ignorant fools who play with tarot cards thinking they are going to one-up their fellow men. These methods only work in the short term and are certain to come crashing down on you in the end, much like the next card.

Reversed keywords: torture, beatings, abuse, insults, mockery, personal vendetta, grudge, curse, torment

Triggering Causes

7 of Wands

This guy apparently runs his mouth too much for his own good. He is in a position where he thinks it's alright to come down on everybody. But he quickly learns that nobody likes that. He has put himself in a position where it's 6 on 1. His chances don't look good.

So recently he was in charge, taking so much pride in his command of the others. But one too many insults has ruined the moment. Now he is at the mercy of those who he has offended. Unfortunately they are furious with his bad attitude. Fortunately they do not have stones.

Where this card appears there is someone whose arrogance has been very annoying to more than a few others. He is so obnoxious that they have ganged up on him to remove him from his lofty position. One thing is certain, he will not be commanding this group again without a miracle.

Upright keywords: valour, discussion, strife; negotiations, debate, barter, competition, success

Higher Perspective

King of Pentagrams

The suit of Pentagrams is not concerned specifically with money or material possessions, but it does often represent these things. It is the most wicked suit in the deck, bearing the sigil of Baphomet, the goat-headed devil that speaks for Satan. Occultists used to call upon Baphomet due to the fact that they were terrified of the devil. The cute goat was a lot easier to talk to.

Like Richard Ramirez, the king represents the Pentagram in his left hand, the hand of the devil. Those who follow the devil have certain code words for what they do so they can conspire openly. One of the code phrases for being a satanist is 'the left-hand path.' It looks like that's what we have here.

The king of this suit is a real slouch. He is happy with the way things are as long as he does not have to work. This is a card synonymous with the sin of sloth. Sadly the king's greatest ambition was to watch everybody else do all the work for him while he 'balances the budget.' He is a strong personality who acts like he carries his own weight, but he rides on the back of others.

Reversed keywords: valour, ambition, business aptitude, mathematical gifts, success, acquisition

Necessary Conclusions

Knight of Pentagrams

A heavy set knight rides a slow dark horse. He embodies the characteristics of stubbornness and evil pride. Pride is considered the most deadly of the sins. He takes his time trotting on his way because he savors his status and the attention it commands.

The black horse and knight can also stand for an incubus. An incubus is a male demon that rapes women in their dreams after seducing them in the guise of their prince charming. They fool them into believing they are in love and married. Then after the woman wakes up she realizes that she made love to a demon, forever humbling her.

The card may mean that the evil twin of prince charming will pay you a surprise visit. Whatever position the card appears, it shows the character of a romantic seducer. He wants to sweep a woman off her feet so she's easier to take advantage of.

Reversed keywords: inertia, idleness, stagnation, discouragement, placidity, carelessness, loser

The Next Step

The World

The World card tempts the reader with a vision of the gate of the Garden of Eden. The temptation is none other than an erotic dancer caught in the moment as she shamelessly flaunts her nakedness like the Whore of Babylon. The blasphemous depiction of the cherubs does not even need to be mentioned.

She twirls flaming sticks in her fingers as she seduces her master's flock in a debauched pagan satanic ritual intended to excite the members of his perverse congregation. The use of the voluptuous woman as an alter of flesh to the devil is also known as the Black Mass. The World wants you to sell your soul to its master the Devil.

The World is an illusion that is placed there to tempt us with what we know that the LORD told us not to do, even though it seems like the thing that you want the most. But the matrix is a mirage. How can one truly enter a false image?

Reversed keywords: illusion, deception, invention, misconception, falsehood, myth, story

Surprising Experiences

The Lovers

The fiery angel Lucifer gives his blessing to the Lovers. The Lovers here are none other than the first man and woman, Adam and Eve standing in the center of the Garden of Eden. Behind Adam is the tree of life. Behind Eve is the tree of wisdom bearing the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent is present to tempt Eve, causing the outcast of all mankind from the garden.

They are naked because they have not yet been tempted. Thus the Lovers card is actually a card representing purity. Unfortunately in the world of tarot cards rules are only meant to be broken and purity is only meant to be defiled. This makes the Lovers a target, a lone sheep wandering in a dark forest of predators.

Upright keywords: love, grace, purity, caring, tenderness, innocence, perfection, the simple life


4 of Swords

In the trump cards there was a card of Death, but here we have one of Death's own. A dead knight or the tomb of one is the character pictured on this card. He just lays there as if frozen in prayer. The creepy image is reminiscent of finding the ashes of a praying man in the geological excavation of the aftermath of a volcanic eruption.

Like the man, the 3 swords are not actual swords but only representations of them. Perhaps this card is a reminder of the famous words of the LORD, that he who wields the sword must be killed with the sword. Maybe that is why the swords appear to be 3 against 1.

He is laying in a holy place, as we can see by the church-like stained glass window. He may be laying in a tomb attached to the church. For the suit of Swords, this card would certainly be one of the lesser evils.

Upright keywords: vigilance, retreat, solitude, exile, ostracize, separated, alone

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