The Egyptian Cross Spread
Like the Celtic Cross, here we have another evil pagan imitation of the crucifix mocking the holy alter. The ankh is like the Egyptian version of the cross, and likewise the Egyptian Cross spread is shaped in its form. The spread is also similar in working, except this spread goes deeper into the background of the question.
This spread has not 1, but 2 significators, the 2 crossing cards, #1 and 2. They are equally relevant. Going into the background is what this spread is meant to do, so the next 2 cards show the early causes of the situation followed by the triggering causes, the evil force that activated the dormant seed of the early causes. Higher perceptions, card #5 is actually supposed to represent what the LORD thinks about it all. This would be the card that really matters. Card #6 represents the concusion of the matter as far as what must take place according to divine fate.
The bottom pillar further exposes the outcome, but from the lower perspectives rather than the high above. The future is broken into 3 steps. The immediate future is card #7, the next step that is supposed to be right around the corner. Then card #8 shows the image of a surprising experience that comes after. The final card, as always shows the final outcome of the matter, in other words ultimate fate. But keep in mind that if you believe any of this stuff you are worshiping heathen idols.
The Egyptian Cross Reading
Higher Perspective
3 of Pentagrams
Early Causes
10 of Swords
Triggering Causes
Necessary Conclusions
The Chariot
Significator #1
Ace of Cups
Significator #2
7 of Pentagrams
The Next Step
3 of Swords
Surprising Experiences
6 of Cups
10 of Wands
In this spread there are 2 Significators. They may support or oppose each other. |
Significator #1
Ace of Cups
In this card a creepy hand emerges from a cloud palming the base of a goblet. The cup in hand is purported to be none other than the Holy Grail! In a deck of cards that was founded on blasphemous imagery, nothing is sacred. Though nothing would seem to indicate any apparent evil signs in this card, it is just way too out of place in the deck of debauchery.
All of the symbolism of this card is holy imagery. The dove descending is seen as a sign from heaven. Perhaps the twisted mind who thought up the tarot deck conceived that since tarot readers share an universal love of evil, that evil would be good in their eyes. Therefore the sign of the Holy Grail pictured on the Ace of Cups must be construed as being a representation of the ultimate evil.
It is a confusing card, because if you understand the truth that the cup of Christ is the ultimate spiritual treasure, then you would not be using tarot cards or doing readings. As a practitioner of the most sinister evil, you must view this card as the worst reminder of what you have sacrificed.
Reversed keywords: mutation, instability, revolution, phony, false, insecure, changing
Significator #2
7 of Pentagrams
This is the card of intoxication and the depravity it spreads. Alcohol is a tool of the devil. Alcohol contains demons that eventually take full possession of the soul when enough is injested. Throughout all history and even before recorded history, alcohol has always been the most popular method of inducing demonic possession.
The husbandman is a perveyor of perversion. Like the vine pictured on the card, it spreads outward like a plague growing in all directions. Pentagrams, the universal symbol of Satan, decorate the vine like a Christmas tree.
The grape vine is one of the best signs to represent evil because they share the same capacity for growth and corruption. The husbandman must carefully restrict the vine's growth just to maintain order. The husbandman may represent an alcoholic or a bartender, someone who manages alcohol.
Upright keywords: money, business, barter, innocence, ingenuity, purgation, enginuity
Early Causes
10 of Swords
Now that's what you call getting stabbed in the back. The swords tear the man 10 new asses. This is one of the most evil signs in all the tarot deck. Extreme wrath is not holy. It is unholy unless Jehovah goes before thee in wrath. Running down the base of his skull down the back of his leg are 10 fatal stab wounds.
This is an obvious case of extreme overkill. In the tarot reading it represents somebody going way over the top or crossing the line way too far. The excessive nature of the punishment enacted in this scene should seem vile unto thee.
Sunset looms on the horizon and the sea is dead still. If the Death card was not supposed to mean actual death, the combination of it with this card just might. Black clouds hang overhead, symbolic of a heavy burden to bear.
Reversed keywords: advantage, profit, success, favour, authority, power (but any of these is only temporary)
Triggering Causes
This card shows what real Strength is, a woman who can charm the beast into submission. She uses female intuition to soothe the lion's wild nature making him humble. He licks her in servitude with his tail between his legs.
The woman is crowned with the lemniscate halo like the Magician, as she is a magician is her own right. However she actually does seem to understand the LORD. Her servitude of the LORD is repaid with the gift of the lion's servitude.
The woman in this card is of supreme power, commanding fear and respect from those who do not wish to fall under her spell.
Reversed keywords: force, power, domination, hypnotic powers, lawlessness, anarchy
Higher Perspective
3 of Pentagrams
The crafter from the 8 of Pentagrams is at work in the temple. He decorates the satanic ritual chamber. His work is overseen by 2 strange authority figures, a monk and a man wearing an entertainer's robe. His robe of lust is covered with lipstick stains, a clue about his secret side job. The rise of satanism has opened the door to all manner of debauchery.
Servants of the devil stand in mockery of the church. They mimic the same symbols that represent all that is good, a method of hurling childish insults at God. This card is the gate of temple of the devil. Evil men carry out their plan to open the gates of Hell.
The artisan puts the final touches on the gates. Proud devil worshippers direct the construction of the ultimate abomination. It is a sign of the times, how Satan has gained a foothold on the world by establishing his own church. God help us all.
Reversed keywords: mediocre, puerility, petty, weak, lame, lousy, half-assed, flimsy, noodle-legged
Necessary Conclusions
The Chariot
The Charioteer rides from city to city stopping to make public speeches. His traveling podium conceals a permanent erection that is the driving force behind all of his speeches. Blatant phallic symbols decorate the crest of his podium suggesting flamboyant bisexuality coupled with sexual addiction.
The hypocrite driving this Chariot speaks against the temptations of sex while engaging in every act of debauchery that presents an opportunity. His limits know no bounds. Children and the mentally challenged present easy targets for the roving predator.
His draft animals are sphinxes that are mirror reflections and color inversions of each other. Criminals are criminals day and night, so remember that during the day they must at least appear legitimate. Watch out for this snake oil saleman, who has probably only rode into town looking for a victim. Whether he's selling sex, drugs, or rock and roll, just say 'No' to this bad apple.
Reversed keywords: con artist, crook, cheater, criminal, traffic, rogue, charlatan, poser
The Next Step
3 of Swords
The 3 swords pierce a heart as if you were to receive a Valentine's card from somebody who was breaking up with you. A storm rages in the background. This is a card of particularly evil feelings. It is the tarot deck's broken heart.
The card does not really need a description as it projects such apparent symbolism that nobody could misread it. A broken heart doesn't feel good to anybody except maybe the person who broke it. Unfortunately there are many who would love to destroy others emotionally, as if it feeds their sick satisfaction.
Where this card appears there has been an evil act that has shaken a person to their core. There is probably a profound sorrow and resentment that will linger for some time.
Upright keywords: removal, absence, delay, division, rupture, loss, dispersion, spillage, waste
Surprising Experiences
6 of Cups
Children are at play in an old garden, symbolically stopping to smell the flowers. Children are not fully responsible for their actions because they can not help the fact that they have been ingrained with original sin. They must be taught not to chase their own evil passions, but to learn the difference between righteousness and wickedness. It is up to the adult to teach them because they are incapable of figuring it out.
Children playing is a good sign, perhaps the best sign of such a wreched deck of cards. It is a happy card to occur in a reading that points to joyous times of celebration.
Depending on the circumstances, this card can be very dangerous because of the possibility of innocence being corrupted. If it comes up near such negative signs, it may be a warning to protect your children. With the most valuable possession comes the potential of the greatest loss.
Upright keywords: past, remembering, happiness, enjoyment, good times, fond memories
10 of Wands
A guy comes in to steal all the staves while their owners were at lunch! This card is a reminder not to leave your stuff unattended. Now he will probably go and start his own mob of 10 men. That's what happens when people are so careless. They don't appreciate what they have until it's gone.
The thief in this card symbolizes the obvious, thievery and criminal behavior. It's a quick task that may take him only a minute to achieve, and the rewards are tremendous so it's clear why a criminal chooses a life of crime: laziness. They don't want to do all the hard work that it takes real people to build up their assets.
Upon closer inspection however, we notice that the life of a thief isn't always so easy. They have to worry about the consequences of their actions. What would happen if the mob of 9 had just came back from lunch? He has a lot to worry about. Also we can see that it is actually a very difficult task to run away while trying to carry 10 staves. He is having trouble keeping so many of them together.
Reversed keywords: difficulties, riddles, intrigues, analogy, mystery, clues, problems, equations