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The Cross Tarot Reading

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The Cross Spread

The Cross

With the Cross spread, we suddenly realize how quickly the scenery changes with the addition of a single card. Everything seemed so innocent in the easy 1 and 3 card spreads. It was sunshine and lollipops until they threw in a fourth card and decided to blaspheme the holy ghost by using the symbol to call upon the devil.

They use the devil's cards to get advice from unholy spirits using the sign of the crucifix. The first card is known as the significator, or the card that defines the background of the question and the whole spread. Tarot spreads above 3 cards generally all have a card, at least one card, as the significator. The significator sets the tone for the whole tarot reading.

The second card is supposed to be an image that represents what the devil is telling you not to do. According to the cards, this idea should be avoided. The third card has the image of the devil's advice. If you follow his advice, his promise is that the result will be what you see in the last card, #4.

The Cross Reading

  Do this

3 of Wands
This is it

2 of Swords
  Do NOT do this

The Lovers
  It leads to this

The Fool
This is it

2 of Swords

A blindfolded woman holds 2 heavy swords forming the shape of a V. She is seated in a chair on the edge of the sea, like several cards of the Cups suit. Considering the suit this card is part of, this is probably not such a bad sign in light of the rest of the deck. She bears the burden of thought, as if she must solve a difficult math equation entirely in her head.

The wickedness of being left to the whims of one's own thoughts may be just getting started here. The picture seems to signify burdensome thoughts building inside the mind of the young woman. The more she thinks, the more trouble she creates for herself.

The only hope for this card is that she is paused, so she may stop her insane quest here before she goes too far. Where this card shows up in a reading probably says that there is a need to pause and reflect, and maybe stop whatever it is you were thinking about doing.

Upright keywords: peace, calm, quiet, content, conformity, concord, harmony, passive resistance

Do NOT do this

The Lovers

The fiery angel Lucifer gives his blessing to the Lovers. The Lovers here are none other than the first man and woman, Adam and Eve standing in the center of the Garden of Eden. Behind Adam is the tree of life. Behind Eve is the tree of wisdom bearing the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent is present to tempt Eve, causing the outcast of all mankind from the garden.

They are naked because they have not yet been tempted. Thus the Lovers card is actually a card representing purity. Unfortunately in the world of tarot cards rules are only meant to be broken and purity is only meant to be defiled. This makes the Lovers a target, a lone sheep wandering in a dark forest of predators.

Upright keywords: love, grace, purity, caring, tenderness, innocence, perfection, the simple life

Do this

3 of Wands

With 3 wands, long staffs here, the guy in this card dares to set up a ceremonial ritual for the devil. He sets up the 3 staffs in a way as to form a doorway. He goes into character as the devil's mime, and his insane intentions are to open this imaginary door, which is in his reality a gateway to hell.

The guy in this card has become adept at black magic and should be avoided by all who wish to remain pure. He has become a master of illusion and corruption as the third rank of the suit of Wands. He has become like the devil himself, and holds the power of temptation because he has the power to manipulate reality, though he is only a legend in his own mind.

Still, the position that this card falls is a strong indicator of where the devil has sent a powerful warlock to do his bidding. The thing about conspiracy though is that it's done quietly so that it is sometimes hard to notice. Whatever position of a spread that gets this card is in peril of having all hell break loose.

Reversed keywords: end of trouble, pause or cease of adversity, toil and disappointment

It leads to this

The Fool

The Fool is exactly what you are if you are using tarot cards. This card appears as a warning that you are in danger. You better be careful. You could go right over the edge. If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you?

On top of his complete disregard for the dangers that he tempts, the Fool is obviously a homosexual who is careless even when it comes to committing bestiality. He prances around like a faerie wishing that he could fall into the lap of a big macho man on his descent into debauchery.

The warning this card signifies should be heeded with extreme caution lest you end up falling into a bottomless pit with hell fire and brimstone at the bottom. You had better straighten up your ways too. Just because everybody is gay these days doesn't mean that the LORD has changed the law. Go put on some pants, weirdo.

Upright keywords: careless, flighty, hair-brained, dreamy, wreckless, happy, aloof, happy

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