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The Cross Tarot Reading

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The Cross Spread

The Cross

With the Cross spread, we suddenly realize how quickly the scenery changes with the addition of a single card. Everything seemed so innocent in the easy 1 and 3 card spreads. It was sunshine and lollipops until they threw in a fourth card and decided to blaspheme the holy ghost by using the symbol to call upon the devil.

They use the devil's cards to get advice from unholy spirits using the sign of the crucifix. The first card is known as the significator, or the card that defines the background of the question and the whole spread. Tarot spreads above 3 cards generally all have a card, at least one card, as the significator. The significator sets the tone for the whole tarot reading.

The second card is supposed to be an image that represents what the devil is telling you not to do. According to the cards, this idea should be avoided. The third card has the image of the devil's advice. If you follow his advice, his promise is that the result will be what you see in the last card, #4.

The Cross Reading

  Do this

8 of Swords
This is it

The Wheel of Fortune
  Do NOT do this

Page of Cups
  It leads to this

The Emperor
This is it

The Wheel of Fortune

This card is full of evil Egyptian pagan symbolism to blaspheme the guardians of the garden. The 4 symbolic creatures clearly reflect the visions of cherubs by Old Testament prophets. The Wheel in the sky contains Hebrew characters written around a blasphemous occult sigil that looks to be out of the Necronomicon.

The Sphinx sits on top of the Wheel as the blasphemous serpent sidewinds down the left side. Riding up the other side of the buttocks of the devil Set is the Wheel of Fortune.

This Wheel is supposed to represent fate and karma. It seems that the forces of evil have taken the Wheel while the cherubs were busy studying the Bible.

Upright keywords: karma, fate, destiny, augury, prophecy, omen, providence, fortune

Do NOT do this

Page of Cups

A girly man talks to a fish in his cup. Clearly somebody has had one too many. Delirium sets in as he starts tripping. The evil that is associated with this card is possession. Spirits that possess a soul may be invited by drinking, drugs, or other forms of personal experimentation. Such experiments always blow up in the person's face.

The fish emerging from the cup is actually an holy sign with dual implications. He holds the Holy Grail, which of course contains the Jesus fish. The cup symbolically holds the essence of Christ, the spirit of holy self-sacrifice.

The fish is probably telling the guy on this card that he dresses like a fruit and needs to be a man. He might think he knows himself, but he is not aware of God's plan for him. He better listen to the fish if he knows what's good for him.

Upright keywords: dreams, imagination, fantasy, figment, head trip, fancy, invention

Do this

8 of Swords

The 8 of Swords is a card of cruelty, bondage, and suffering. A blindfolded woman has been abducted and tied up. She stands upon the sandy forks of the delta, where the river meets the sea. She is surrounded by the 8 swords to remind her that she isn't going anywhere. In the distance a castle sits atop a high hill by the seaside.

This is a card of certain evil. Someone may have performed an evil love spell of bondage. It is not love if it seeks to capture and enslave. This is sin. It is also folly. One can not possess another person. Any desire to do such is wickedness.

It is a sign of oppression and interference. The castle on the shore taunts her with the vision of an unattainable paradise. Of course she can't see it being blindfolded, but she can certainly hear it. She is bound to her evil ways.

Reversed keywords: cruelty, bondage, oppression, evil, malevolent, sinister, sadism

It leads to this

The Emperor

The Emperor confidently bosses everybody around while his wife hires other men to fill the role he does not fill at home. He lounges around more concerned with examining the quality of his own concubines than he is with the fact that his wife has needs of her own.

This man has a lot of power but has lost touch with the LORD's law in favor of humoring a spiritual belief in the law he has invented himself. This delusional fellow thinks that he is God and likewise that he is your boss.

You had better be careful when dealing with this guy because he really believes in himself, and therefore he is a psychopath. Let him have his hookers. The LORD will recompense the unjust.

Upright keywords: dominant, alpha male, king of the mountain, boss, imperious, high-handed

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