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The Cross Tarot Reading

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The Cross Spread

The Cross

With the Cross spread, we suddenly realize how quickly the scenery changes with the addition of a single card. Everything seemed so innocent in the easy 1 and 3 card spreads. It was sunshine and lollipops until they threw in a fourth card and decided to blaspheme the holy ghost by using the symbol to call upon the devil.

They use the devil's cards to get advice from unholy spirits using the sign of the crucifix. The first card is known as the significator, or the card that defines the background of the question and the whole spread. Tarot spreads above 3 cards generally all have a card, at least one card, as the significator. The significator sets the tone for the whole tarot reading.

The second card is supposed to be an image that represents what the devil is telling you not to do. According to the cards, this idea should be avoided. The third card has the image of the devil's advice. If you follow his advice, his promise is that the result will be what you see in the last card, #4.

The Cross Reading

  Do this

The Star
This is it

The Magician
  Do NOT do this

Ace of Cups
  It leads to this

The Lovers
This is it

The Magician

As the first card in the deck, the Magician is where it all begins. People are lured by the illusionist who deceives them with petty trickery, which A.E. Waite taught all about in his Book of Black Magic. He uses the tools of the devil to mock the powers of the LORD by mimicking Him. He self-righteously believes himself to comprehend the infinite faculties of the LORD through black magic.

He holds the same baton that the Whore of Babylon twirls in her fingers as she dances on the World card at the opposite end of the deck. Likewise as the Magician's mate is the Whore, this will also be your fate if you play with magic. The LORD does not approve of whoring yourself to idols through the use of magic, and a whore shall receive a whore's reward.

If you choose to mimmick the LORD, know that He does not consider this flattering. He shall smite thee with a curse, and you will wind up married to a cheating slut.

Upright keywords: meddling, gossip, slander, copycat, ill will, false knowledge, trickery

Do NOT do this

Ace of Cups

In this card a creepy hand emerges from a cloud palming the base of a goblet. The cup in hand is purported to be none other than the Holy Grail! In a deck of cards that was founded on blasphemous imagery, nothing is sacred. Though nothing would seem to indicate any apparent evil signs in this card, it is just way too out of place in the deck of debauchery.

All of the symbolism of this card is holy imagery. The dove descending is seen as a sign from heaven. Perhaps the twisted mind who thought up the tarot deck conceived that since tarot readers share an universal love of evil, that evil would be good in their eyes. Therefore the sign of the Holy Grail pictured on the Ace of Cups must be construed as being a representation of the ultimate evil.

It is a confusing card, because if you understand the truth that the cup of Christ is the ultimate spiritual treasure, then you would not be using tarot cards or doing readings. As a practitioner of the most sinister evil, you must view this card as the worst reminder of what you have sacrificed.

Upright keywords: joy, content, satisfaction, nourishment, abundance, fertility, felicity, fullness

Do this

The Star

A nude woman has one foot on the ground and the other on the sea, like in Temperance. In fact she may be pouring out the elixers concocted in that card. She pours these two jugs out onto the land and the sea.

She is the Star empowered by Lucifer as indicated by the morning star above her. She is the servant of the figure in Temperance who reaps the fruit of the labor of Temperance. She steals the mixtures, pouring them out she symbolically intoxicates both the land and the fish.

She is only the Star because she is the one that got caught doing it. Noboby will probably ever find out who mixed the drinks because the Star isn't talking. She refuses to share the spotlight that she worked so hard to steal.

Reversed keywords: overbearing, overwhelming, too much, exaggerated, disproportionate, intoxication

It leads to this

The Lovers

The fiery angel Lucifer gives his blessing to the Lovers. The Lovers here are none other than the first man and woman, Adam and Eve standing in the center of the Garden of Eden. Behind Adam is the tree of life. Behind Eve is the tree of wisdom bearing the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent is present to tempt Eve, causing the outcast of all mankind from the garden.

They are naked because they have not yet been tempted. Thus the Lovers card is actually a card representing purity. Unfortunately in the world of tarot cards rules are only meant to be broken and purity is only meant to be defiled. This makes the Lovers a target, a lone sheep wandering in a dark forest of predators.

Reversed keywords: trickery, corruption, defilement, deception, foolishness, gullible, dumb, inexperience

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