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The Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

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The Celtic Cross Spread

The Celtic Cross

Probably the most famous tarot spread is known as the Celtic Cross. The heathen idol mocks the Christian version by using a very close symbol to invoke Satanic visions. The spread is much more advanced than the 3 card Past, Present, and Future spread, looking into deeper forbidden zones such as the rational and emotional psychological basis and the reader's secret hopes and fears.

One begins using this infamous spread by looking at the significator, saying "this is it." The second card is laid cross-wise over the card, not quite like the picture which is altered for online convenience. The second card "crosses" the first, meaning this image compounds the significator.

The crowning card above the cross, #3 shows the rational thoughts, while #4 below shows the emotional feelings associated with the issue. Cards #5 and 6 represent the timeline just like the 3 card PPF's past and future cards.

Card #7 shows the asker about their own attitude, while #8 is concerned with the mood of the people and surroundings effecting the situation. Card #9 shows either what the asker is afraid of or secretly hopes for. The final card, #10 shows where the situation leads, the final result.

The Celtic Cross Reading

This crowns it

King of Swords

The result

Ace of Wands

Hopes and fears

Page of Wands

External influences

Page of Cups

This is you

9 of Pentagrams

This came before

The Empress

This crosses it

7 of Pentagrams

This is it

The Moon

This comes after

Knight of Swords

It rests upon

10 of Cups

This is it

The Moon

The gate of sunset seems to be the setting for a long dark path. This card is another bad omen. It shows a treacherous road if evolution from the point of view of a low life lobster. The ridiculous ideas of evolution that are suggested by this card are meaningless. A lobster will never evolve into a human being no matter how much time passes.

A dog and a wolf show that man's best friend is sort of a creation of creative breeders, so maybe evolution makes a small amount of sense. They are trying to suggest here that man is equal to God though and this is evil. The crusty crustacean will not make it up the mountains. It will naturally sink back to the slimy abyss that spawned it. This is where the nasty thing belongs.

Upright keywords: uncertain, unknown, dark, scary, dismal, gloomy, impromptu, on the fly



This crosses it

7 of Pentagrams

This is the card of intoxication and the depravity it spreads. Alcohol is a tool of the devil. Alcohol contains demons that eventually take full possession of the soul when enough is injested. Throughout all history and even before recorded history, alcohol has always been the most popular method of inducing demonic possession.

The husbandman is a perveyor of perversion. Like the vine pictured on the card, it spreads outward like a plague growing in all directions. Pentagrams, the universal symbol of Satan, decorate the vine like a Christmas tree.

The grape vine is one of the best signs to represent evil because they share the same capacity for growth and corruption. The husbandman must carefully restrict the vine's growth just to maintain order. The husbandman may represent an alcoholic or a bartender, someone who manages alcohol.

Reversed keywords: altercation, quarrels, anxiety, borrowing money, mooch, leach, bum, loser



This crowns it


King of Swords

This is a man who thinks he knows it all. Just because of his above average intelligence, the devil tells him that he is the smartest man alive. Consequentially he continually outsmarts himself. He insults his subjects that he hopes to teach and generally does unintentional harm in the name of good due to the sharp blade he carelessly wields.

The proverbial know-it-all has the sign of the butterfly on his throne. Also birds in the distant sky make the card symbolic of his mind being like an open sky, his thought flighty. It is fertile ground for unclean thoughts when a man's mind is too open.

An open mind invites evil deeds. Butterflies are like the way he quickly dodges any kind of accusation. They also show that he is very nervous in his demeanor, a guy who is constantly thinking. Unfortunately like his queen, his thoughts are ultimately destructive.

Reversed keywords: cruelty, vulgar, perverse, barbarian, perfidy, evil intention, malice, crude



It rests upon

10 of Cups

One of the few good omens of the deck is the 10 of Cups. The cups are properly laid out in heaven where they belong. The people in this card have their priorities in order. They are a happy family. The parents show a love and appreciation for the gifts of God while their children are having too much fun dancing to even notice.

It is nice to get this card in a reading, because it stands for all that is right and good. It is a world in order, a clean fun happy world which doesn't seem to belong in the deck of tarot cards. But the tarot is built on a system of weighted balances, so with all of the negativity that abounds it actually is important to have an extremely positive counterbalance.

Of the whole deck, this card brings what could be the best blessing with it. The danger that comes with the good things is that it brings the possibility of loss. With the perfect purity of this card, the position it comes up in has a lot of good tidings.

Reversed keywords: false heart, indignation, violence, destruction, anger, rage, abuse, insult



This came before

The Empress

The Empress gets to lounge around all day by the pool on her luxiurious outdoor lazy boy in her pajamas. She just hangs out talking on her state of the art cell phone when she's not on her laptop, playing video games, or watching TV. She is like the definition of sloth, having no job nor serving any useful and holsum service in the world.

Her luxury estate is high on the hill. She is queen of the bachlorette party once a month, even though nobody ever really gets married. The more you get to know about this woman, the more layers of sin become uncovered. Her husband is a lucky man indeed.

Upright keywords: unemployment, sloth, queen, bossy, dominant, malingerer, spoiled, superior



This comes after


Knight of Swords

The knight charges into battle ready to strike. This card suggests an extreme quarrel or fight. If it is supposed to mean a person, he is a man of action. Unfortunately his actions are totally destructive. He is up to no good. His mission of mayhem may have a mastermind behind it though.

An evil genius could possibly be sending this guy as muscle. The brains of the operation sends this guy to do the dirty work. Whatever the problem, we find this guy is sombody's problem solver. Even if the knight's mission is personal, he is there to do harm.

The position this card comes up in may show a brutal battle. An oppressive power rides in to take control by force. In his mind the ends justify the means, allowing him to convince himself that the excessive violence of his warpath is actually for the greater good!

Upright keywords: defence, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, fighting, opposition, resistance, force



This is you, the querent

9 of Pentagrams

This card shows a wealthy woman posing in the midst of her vinyard. She is a person who has enough money that she has money working for her, but this is also what cuts her off from reality. Her own possessions are responsible for her isolation. The more they tell her what she wants to hear, the more she believes.

Everything about this scene suggests self deception, from the grape vine to the pentagrams to the parrot. Parrots only repeat what they've heard. When you keep telling youself something, you will eventually come to believe it. Obviously this does not make it any more true than before, it only makes you delusional.

The grapes and satanic sigils represent evil being intoxicating. Self deception is the same thing as following the devil's advice. It may be a lot more comfortable though, at least for the time being, to live in such luxury. The only danger is the truth that it could wash away her facade as suddenly as a sand castle at high tide.

Upright keywords: prudence, safety, success, accomplishment, certitude, discernment, advice



External influences

Page of Cups

A girly man talks to a fish in his cup. Clearly somebody has had one too many. Delirium sets in as he starts tripping. The evil that is associated with this card is possession. Spirits that possess a soul may be invited by drinking, drugs, or other forms of personal experimentation. Such experiments always blow up in the person's face.

The fish emerging from the cup is actually an holy sign with dual implications. He holds the Holy Grail, which of course contains the Jesus fish. The cup symbolically holds the essence of Christ, the spirit of holy self-sacrifice.

The fish is probably telling the guy on this card that he dresses like a fruit and needs to be a man. He might think he knows himself, but he is not aware of God's plan for him. He better listen to the fish if he knows what's good for him.

Reversed keywords: delusion, delirium, madness, crazy, hopeless, space cadet, aloof



Hopes and Fears

Page of Wands

The questionable attire that this guy flamboyantly flaunts makes me wonder about him. It's been a very extremely long time since it's been fashionable for men to wear tights in public. He lustfully gazes at the peak of the staff as he holds it in his hands like a baby. What a strange fellow he is.

He wears a derby with a prominent feather to symbolize that he is an accomplished individual, despite his appearance. He may in fact be merely eccentric because of the feather in his cap. Maybe that's why he's so happy that he prances around like Peter Pan.

It is obvious that he is a proud man. He is so proud in fact that he flaunts his style topping off flaming boots and tight tights by wearing a dress and even a cape! He is a performer, that's the reason why he dresses like that, it's just part of his job. What a strange job indeed.

Reversed keywords: schemes, conspiracy, bad news, indecision, instability, insecurity



The end result

Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is the first card of the deck if it was arranged in chronological order. A creepy hand that must be an ancestor of The Thing emerges from a dark cloud. It seems to be offering an olive branch. The first thing that the tarot devil does is seduce you with the illusion of peace. Like the garden of Eden, those who use tarot cards are eating forbidden fruit.

The devil hands off the first wand as if it was a batton of blasphemy. Would you really want to carry out his evil? Every time you do a tarot reading you are gluttonously devouring the very fruit that the LORD specifically insisted that you NOT eat. Why don't people learn from ancient Bible history? Some people just never learn. You would be wise to just say No when the devil tempts you.

What this card is all about is the devil tempting you. Whatever position this card falls into in the reading is where the devil is at work. And this is only the beginning!

Reversed keywords: decadence, fall, ruin, perdition, to crumble or go all to pieces, bittersweet victory



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