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The Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

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The Celtic Cross Spread

The Celtic Cross

Probably the most famous tarot spread is known as the Celtic Cross. The heathen idol mocks the Christian version by using a very close symbol to invoke Satanic visions. The spread is much more advanced than the 3 card Past, Present, and Future spread, looking into deeper forbidden zones such as the rational and emotional psychological basis and the reader's secret hopes and fears.

One begins using this infamous spread by looking at the significator, saying "this is it." The second card is laid cross-wise over the card, not quite like the picture which is altered for online convenience. The second card "crosses" the first, meaning this image compounds the significator.

The crowning card above the cross, #3 shows the rational thoughts, while #4 below shows the emotional feelings associated with the issue. Cards #5 and 6 represent the timeline just like the 3 card PPF's past and future cards.

Card #7 shows the asker about their own attitude, while #8 is concerned with the mood of the people and surroundings effecting the situation. Card #9 shows either what the asker is afraid of or secretly hopes for. The final card, #10 shows where the situation leads, the final result.

The Celtic Cross Reading

This crowns it

9 of Swords

The result

The Tower

Hopes and fears

9 of Cups

External influences

4 of Swords

This is you

Knight of Cups

This came before

The Lovers

This crosses it


This is it

King of Pentagrams

This comes after

5 of Swords

It rests upon

The Sun

This is it

King of Pentagrams

The suit of Pentagrams is not concerned specifically with money or material possessions, but it does often represent these things. It is the most wicked suit in the deck, bearing the sigil of Baphomet, the goat-headed devil that speaks for Satan. Occultists used to call upon Baphomet due to the fact that they were terrified of the devil. The cute goat was a lot easier to talk to.

Like Richard Ramirez, the king represents the Pentagram in his left hand, the hand of the devil. Those who follow the devil have certain code words for what they do so they can conspire openly. One of the code phrases for being a satanist is 'the left-hand path.' It looks like that's what we have here.

The king of this suit is a real slouch. He is happy with the way things are as long as he does not have to work. This is a card synonymous with the sin of sloth. Sadly the king's greatest ambition was to watch everybody else do all the work for him while he 'balances the budget.' He is a strong personality who acts like he carries his own weight, but he rides on the back of others.

Upright keywords: vice, weakness, ugly, perverse, corruption, peril, sloth, laziness, mismanagement



This crosses it


The angel in this card is mixing strong drink. The triangle on his robe represents fire, and it is also a sign of alchemy. This enlightened figure looks like the guy who was crucified in the name of Satan on the Hanged Man card. Dipping his injured toes into the soothing pool confirms our suspicion. He was tied up by the same foot in the previous scenario.

We also notice that he's the same angel that appeared on the Lovers card. This guy seems to be a very important figure in the play of the tarot cards. He is apparently a messenger of the LORD, as we can see his face is like the sun.

Upright keywords: healing, rest, regrouping, recovery, restoration, fortification, rebuilding



This crowns it


9 of Swords

A man feels tremendous shame due to an evil succubus robbing him of the oil of gladness. The terrible trauma of having been seduced by a demon causes a profound loss of dignity. To rub it in, the nocturnal emission is so evil that it totally ruins the sheets.

The swords that are mounted above the bed are a sign of extreme cruelty. The man's soul writhes in excruciating pain and agony, humiliated by the sick pleasure that he realizes that the sin has given him. As he facepalms in disgrace, the movie of the climax of his dream replays over and over.

The evil man may have secretly enjoyed and even prayed for the succubus visit. His greatest shame is that he has been caught in this cycle of sin for ever. He pretends to repent but can't break out of the loop.

Reversed keywords: imprisonment, failure, agony, nightmare, sorrow, pain, emotional torment, self-harm, dwelling on negatives



It rests upon

The Sun

The Sun card has a strange image of what appears to be an extremely happy child. Riding his own pony, what kid wouldn't be elated? The child's face is like the face of the sun, which also happens to resemble all those sun flowers in the background.

The Sun boldly beams light in every direction. Everything in the world depends upon it. Those who depend upon something tend to mimic it. This card is trying to tell you to follow other gods like foolish children who idolize rock stars in their silly little dreams.

Did I forget to mention that the child is naked? What more needs to be said?

Upright keywords: jubilant, animated, glowing, overjoyed, exhilarated, enraptured, euphoric, flying high



This came before

The Lovers

The fiery angel Lucifer gives his blessing to the Lovers. The Lovers here are none other than the first man and woman, Adam and Eve standing in the center of the Garden of Eden. Behind Adam is the tree of life. Behind Eve is the tree of wisdom bearing the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent is present to tempt Eve, causing the outcast of all mankind from the garden.

They are naked because they have not yet been tempted. Thus the Lovers card is actually a card representing purity. Unfortunately in the world of tarot cards rules are only meant to be broken and purity is only meant to be defiled. This makes the Lovers a target, a lone sheep wandering in a dark forest of predators.

Upright keywords: love, grace, purity, caring, tenderness, innocence, perfection, the simple life



This comes after


5 of Swords

One dominant man laughs as his opponents don't dare challenge him. They are a couple of pathetic losers who know they were outmatched. They even abandon their arms in complete submission and hopelessness.

This card obviously indicates a dominant victory for the man in the foreground. He stands there laughing as he holds 3 swords. He is so proud of himself.

He laughs at others' misfortunes. The person who this card might symbolize in a reading would be most likely a bully who nobody likes.

Reversed keywords: loss, devastate, deplore, despair, abandon, quit, retreat, give up, surrender



This is you, the querent

Knight of Cups

A creek unwinds in the distance between flat plains and a rocky range. The Knight of Cups gracefully rides into the picture taking center stage. His helmet boasts a pair of wings, symbolic of his lofty imagination. He is a dreamer.

Like any card, his appearance can take on different meanings depending on which position he appears in the spread. He may represent a person of authority you will encounter, or he could represent you achieving a level of authority.

Mainly he is an emotional type. But he also has an influence of a lot of thinking, which brews a storm above waters that may appear calm. One moment the waters are mellow, but they are ready to go into a high tide at any minute.

Upright keywords: seduction, arrival, approach, advances, proposition, demeanour, invitation, incitement



External influences

4 of Swords

In the trump cards there was a card of Death, but here we have one of Death's own. A dead knight or the tomb of one is the character pictured on this card. He just lays there as if frozen in prayer. The creepy image is reminiscent of finding the ashes of a praying man in the geological excavation of the aftermath of a volcanic eruption.

Like the man, the 3 swords are not actual swords but only representations of them. Perhaps this card is a reminder of the famous words of the LORD, that he who wields the sword must be killed with the sword. Maybe that is why the swords appear to be 3 against 1.

He is laying in a holy place, as we can see by the church-like stained glass window. He may be laying in a tomb attached to the church. For the suit of Swords, this card would certainly be one of the lesser evils.

Reversed keywords: administration, circumspection, careful, avarice, precaution, testament



Hopes and Fears

9 of Cups

A glutton reels in pleasure after consuming mass quantities of spiritous beverages. He squats in a wide stance, feeling enormous after having committed the thoughtless sin. His ego swells as much as his stomach, yet his pride is false. He folds his arms on top of his fat stomach to conceal his growing embarassment.

He keeps telling himself that it's alright because it feels good so he keeps doing it. Before he knows it his physique will resemble the blob. Like the blob, his stomach will eventually eat him. Then it will undoubtedly continue to ingest everything it comes in contact with. Unchecked gluttony may not be the worst of the 7 sins, but it certainly is the ugliest.

The card, wherever it appears in the spread indicates a greedy person who takes more than their fair share whenever possible. He is like an obnoxious fat leach who ruins the party by eating all the catering. In his lame mind it is his birthright to act like an obnoxious fat stomach because that's just what he is.

Reversed keywords: truth, loyalty, liberty, stubbornness, purpose, direction, discipline



The end result

The Tower

'Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.'

This is a card of catastrophe. The LORD strikes down vain attempts to become His equal. This is what the Devil of the previous card taught you to do. This is what Eve was thinking when the serpent told her the fruit was good. This is vanity.

Lightning strikes the crowned Tower that so aggressively penetrated the heavens. Upon closer inspection we see the Tower here actually symbolizes the penis. This perverted card shows the action of this organ symbolically through the Tower.

Upright keywords: meaningless sex, lust, shame, loss, setback, wastefulness, unholy, Tower of Babel



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