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The 7 of Cups

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7 of Cups


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The villian in this card moves with the subtlty of a shadow. Dressed in all black, he is seen here contemplating his heist. It is not clear whether the burglary has actually went down yet or whether he is just planning it, but it matters not. When one has just a thought about committing a crime, it is the same thing as having done the deed.

The man in black is a thief in the night. He lays up a treasure for himself as if it will wait for him in heaven, when in reality the pleasure of it is fleeting. Any satisfaction that the riches bring him are tainted by the way that he acquired them.

We see the apparent problems that come with ill-gotten gains in some of the cups. A dragon and a snake are familiar signs of the evil he has done coming back to him. From the central cup of focus emerges a person dressed as a phallic ghost, a strong reminder that the spirits are watching the person who would do this, who is a total jerk.

Upright keywords: dreams, reflection, sentiment, imagination, visions in the crystal ball, mirage

Reversed keywords: will, determination, desire, crime, craving, wants, longing, theft, cheap tactics

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